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Web link and logo

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I am in the process of building a 737 flight simulator. I am running your software and the project magenta software. I would like to add a link to your website using your logo on one of my webpages. But only with your permission of course. If you are ok with this, where can I get your logo and offical web address?

If you want to see my site first it is located at http://www.737flightsimulator.com.

My email address is franklin@frankbond.com.


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I am in the process of building a 737 flight simulator. I am running your software and the project magenta software. I would like to add a link to your website using your logo on one of my webpages. But only with your permission of course. If you are ok with this, where can I get your logo and offical web address?

You are quite welcome to add a link to this Forum, which is really the only "website" I have. You can copy the logo and link from the FSUIPC documentation.

If you mean the "dowson" page at http://www.schiratti.com/dowson, that is actually part of Mr. Schiratti's website. I don't have a logo for it, but I guess you could adapt the other one. Many sites link to that page for FSUIPC in any case, so I don't think Enrico will mind, but if you want to check you'd need to write to him at support@schiratti.com.

Thanks & Regards,


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