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Looking for some info regarding the stream of events when interfacing to PMDG 737 via a Bodnar board with FSUIPC. I am trying to build a very basic MCP but have struggled so far.

I am doing this by trial and error as I have been unable to find a decent source of connecting switches etc online - if anyone can help I would be grateful.  I have connected and mapped a switch to turn a function on and off - the only way I have been able to do this is with an On/On toggle switch - my question is that in the On position the FSUIPC log window shows a constant stream of events obviously because the switch is making a permanent connection, so will this constant stream affect performance as clearly I am going to need to connect a lot of switches/button to build my MCP.  This is going to be very basic and I am no expert (clearly!) so I assume multiple instances of switches causing these streams are not good - any help as to if I should ignore this or not would be very helpful, as would any link to a source of switches for cockpot building.

I did search the forum but nothing came up.






FSUIPC sends only once when button pressed and hold, or switch is in ON position. You might have selected repeat sending while pressed function for that switch and then it will send as long pressed.

Check as well the FSUIPC manual and use latest FSUIPC version.



Hi Thomas - thanks for the reply.  didn't have repeat on but just found the issue. Using a DPDT switch needs the correct polarity - thought I had checked that but must have missed it, so all is ok - could still use any internet sources for doing this stuff though! I have the latest FSUIPC.

FSUIPC is a godsend for people like me who have little or no programming knowledge but managing to figure it out very slowly -I have also managed to work out setting multiple events per switch so for example turning off the A/P and the warning horn at the same time, excellent.




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