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Dynamic Friction

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I tried searching the forums and the net without result. I remember when v4 came out, the old plugin went out the window.

Pete's last comment regarding this I remember was that it was not sure if it would come back as Lockheed keep changing the location of the necessary values. My question is, has this changed at all since? Or has the plugin remained elusive? Contrary to popular belief, the friction model is still bad. You still need way more thrust than in real life, and the old plugin was a true Godsend back in it's day.


Kind Regards,



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1 hour ago, xkoote said:

Pete's last comment regarding this I remember was that it was not sure if it would come back as Lockheed keep changing the location of the necessary values. My question is, has this changed at all since? Or has the plugin remained elusive? Contrary to popular belief, the friction model is still bad. You still need way more thrust than in real life, and the old plugin was a true Godsend back in it's day.

Sorry, no. There's no friction access via FSUIPC5. Please see the topic "Missing in FSUIPC5", in the FAQ subforum.



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