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KSFO landing concerns


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I posted this already in another SFO thread but, it probably should have been in a new thread, my apologies.



I would like to preface the following comments by saying I'm a huge fan of Tower!3D and I only bring up these points in an attempt to make the sim better. That being said, I think SFO really shows the limitations of the current sim logic, particularly surrounding how aircraft land and taxi off the runways.

In the real world, the most common traffic flow at SFO is to have aircraft land on the 28s and depart from the 1s. In Tower!3D most of the traffic arriving on the 28s "land" (the point where the aircraft slows to taxi and the user gets credit for a safe landing) either just short of Taxiway L or in between Taxiway L and Runway 1R or 1L. In the former situation (which never happens in the real world because ATC has arriving traffic keep the speed up until they clear the 1s) the aircraft exits at L and then has to sit and wait for clearance to cross the 1s to the terminals which can cause a massive backup.

In the second situation, the arriving traffic slows down to taxi speed and creeps along past the 1s and then exists at either Taxiway J or E, depending on which runway they landed on and where the landing point was. Again, this causes massive backups, particularly with the departures waiting at the 1s.

If we flip around to the other direction and have traffic land on the 10s (which, I've actually never seen in the real world, although I admit am not an expert of SFO operations, yet the winds int he sim seem to favor that setup) we run into a similar situation where the majority of the traffic "lands" well short of Taxiways T and E yet taxi all the way down to L and exit there. If I give the command to "Vacate runway right on to taxiway E" the aircraft respond affirmatively yet exit Left onto E and then have to be routed via C and either D or K back to the terminals.

I understand the landing logic is probably a big thing and probably can't be changed anytime soon but, the aircraft being unable to exit onto taxiway E when landing on the 10s is most likely just a bug associated with SFO and hopefully, that can be addressed soon.


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