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FSX on an imac [MOVED FROM THE FAQ SUBFORUM (a reference forum)

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Hi ,Pete

I'm running FSX on an iMac 2017 4kRetina under Bootcamp (Windows 10 64bit) with AMD Readon Pro 560 Graphics card.

I am beening through a problem that when I try to use the drowdown list to change some setting,(ex RAAS,FSUIPC,Sound etc.) I will get invisible panel or A/C or brake display.

That only happen on my PMDG products and the default A/C are running fine.

If it's not in full screen mode or I click preview DX10 ,the issue will not occur.

this problem shows after I installed FSUIPC 4.972(now already update to 4.974 but still the same)

My installation sequence is 

FSX>SP1>SP2>PMDG 777 BASE> 777-300 expansions> PMDG 747 V3>REX 4 - Texture Direct with Soft Cloudsd >Every FTX Global range products>Active Sky 2016 >FSUIPC

before installed FSUPIC I can use drowdown list and change setting no problem.

I am not sure the issue is caused by FSUIPC but it appear after installed.

Thank you very much!

PS: My install log and FSX.cfg as attached.






FSUIPC4 Install.log


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  • Tim Hsin changed the title to FSX on an imac
7 hours ago, Tim Hsin said:

That only happen on my PMDG products and the default A/C are running fine.

I think you need to check in the PMDG support forum then.

7 hours ago, Tim Hsin said:

when I try to use the drowdown list to change some setting,(ex RAAS,FSUIPC,Sound etc.) I will get invisible panel or A/C or brake display.

FSUIPC is not at all involved in menu dropdowns. That is entirely a matter between FSX and the video drivers. And how do you know about those displays if they are invisible?

7 hours ago, Tim Hsin said:

If it's not in full screen mode or I click preview DX10 ,the issue will not occur.

Aha! That certainly points to video drivers then. Try changing them.

BTW you posted a support request in a reference subforum. Please always look that you are in the right place before posting to a forum. I've moved it for oyu or it would not have been seen for quite a while.





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