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E-Jets V4.2 - ROLL/TRACK mode. Bug?


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This happens to me sometimes, and more and more. After completing the FMC Flightplan and Perf Init I get the AP stuck in this mode when I turn on the flight director. I can't engage VNAV or LNAV. I can pick up LNAV and VNAV after the first way point until the start of the approach but then the ROLL/TRACK appears again and the flightplan is lost.

In the video the aircraft is on the ground 

I'm enjoying this aircraft so much. I hope I can fix this


Thanks in advance



Edited by Alecroberts
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looks to me as if something in your setup is causing the game to freak out.  are any of your controllers sending signals that may confuse the game?  unplug all controllers and see what happens.

also add that P3DV4.2 is causing all sorts of problems for plane developers as the new coding from 4.1 to 4.2 has caused all sorts of changes - 



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