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Hi My name is jose my question is the following I'm using FS2004 and FSUIPC well everthing works fine; however, I cannot talk with the ATC everytime that I send a message I got another saying: you are in an invalid frequency, install FSUIPC, and other that say automaticalle warning message or something like that. And it does not matter in what airport I'm there are not ATC. if I any one could help me I appreciated

Thanks. :roll:

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I cannot talk with the ATC everytime that I send a message I got another saying: you are in an invalid frequency, install FSUIPC, and other that say automaticalle warning message or something like that. And it does not matter in what airport I'm there are not ATC. if I any one could help me I appreciated

I'm afraid you need to explain rather more. The FS2004 ATC does not use FSUIPC, so it is not involved at all.

Are you using Squawkbox or something similar for on-line flying? If so, have you registered it with FSUIPC (assuming you've not registered your FSUIPC)? There's a free key for this listed in the Freeware Keys list above.

I think also Squawkbox for FS2004 needs another program to convert the new FS2004 Multiplayer Interface to the FS2002 protocol that SB understands.



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