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P3Dv4.3 available

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Pete, allow me to be the first to ask the inevitable question... =)

Is the most recent FSUIPC compatible with 4.3? (I withdraw the question if you've not been given the chance by LM to pre-test).

- Bill

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6 hours ago, MELKOR said:

Is the most recent FSUIPC compatible with 4.3?


I am releasing today a new version, but the differences are mainly to take advantage of new facilities in 4.3 (without making FSUIPC incompatible with 4.1 or 4.2). That change is to do with WideFS distplays of SimConnect menus. There are also a couple of bug fixes.

As the update information said in the existing release, because of the way FSUIPC5 interfaces to P3D, it will remain fully compatible with new P3D4 versions unless L-M change those interfaces, which is extremely unlikely for point increments -- so not until P3D5, if there will be one.

Of course there might be some killer facility added by L-M which I simply must take advantage of but which would make FSUIPC incompatible with earlier versions, but that's a different matter. That happened between 4.0 and 4.1, which is why current versions of FSUIPC will not run in 4.0.

Should something change which does actually derail FSUIPC for a new version I will be sure to give advanced warning here. Don't worry!



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