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Toe Brake not working

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Hi Peter,

With the 5.132 Version of FSUIPC and P3D my Toe Brakes are not working any more (was fine in previous Version).

If i press the Toe Brake "Differential Brake" is displayed in the sim and thats correct. But if i release the Toe Brake "Brake" is permanently displayed and the Toe Brake is stuck in the fully pressed position. No changes were made to the config due to the update and the controllers are switched off in P3D, so the only control is via FSUIPC.
Happens with the default and addon Aircraft.

Enclosed you'll find the log of that situation.





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1 hour ago, ChrisKlose said:

With the 5.132 Version of FSUIPC and P3D my Toe Brakes are not working any more (was fine in previous Version).

If i press the Toe Brake "Differential Brake" is displayed in the sim and thats correct. But if i release the Toe Brake "Brake" is permanently displayed and the Toe Brake is stuck in the fully pressed position. No changes were made to the config due to the update and the controllers are switched off in P3D, so the only control is via FSUIPC.

There's absolutely no difference in how FSUIPC handles axes. All axes are treated in the same way. How would toe brakes alone be singled out for such an odd action.

No, it sounds more like your calibration is incorrect.

1 hour ago, ChrisKlose said:

Enclosed you'll find the log of that situation.

And that clearly shows something very wrong with the calibration you have set (Ive only shown the last few axis reads:

   410172 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 103 (IN=8447, OUT=510)
   410188 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 59 (IN=4864, OUT=-6656)
   410188 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 19 (IN=1536, OUT=-13312)
   410204 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 0 (IN=-1850, OUT=-16383)
   410641 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 12 (IN=1024, OUT=-14336)
   410657 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 59 (IN=4864, OUT=-6656)
   410672 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 109 (IN=8959, OUT=1534)
   410688 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 172 (IN=14079, OUT=11774)
   410688 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 200 (IN=16383, OUT=16384)

I think you don't have the REV option set in the calibration.  Almost all pedal toe brakes need reversing.

You haven't shown your INI file withthe settings so I can't really comment further.



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