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Prop pitch / Saitek Quadrant

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Hi Pete,

I am running P3D v4 with the latest version of FSUIPC. I am using the Saitek Quadrant.ย  With this Quadrant I do have assigned Joy#1 and Z Axis# to Throttle 1. When I do want to calibrate it in section 3 of 11, Thorttle 1, Throttle 3 and Throttle 4 are moving, not only Throttle 1 ๐Ÿ˜ž why?

Also, I do have assigned Joy#1 and U Axis# to Throttle 2 only. Once I move it, theย  Prop pitch 1, 2, 3 and 4 in section 5 of 11 are moving (even if do not have assigned Pitch moving anywere) ๐Ÿ˜ž why?



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1 hour ago, bjoerntiemann said:

I am running P3D v4 with the latest version of FSUIPC. I am using the Saitek Quadrant.ย  With this Quadrant I do have assigned Joy#1 and Z Axis# to Throttle 1. When I do want to calibrate it in section 3 of 11, Thorttle 1, Throttle 3 and Throttle 4 are moving, not only Throttle 1 ๐Ÿ˜ž why?

First make sure all options are unchecked, and that you haven't calibrated the throttel on section 1.

Then go to P3D and make sure you have disabled controllers there.

1 hour ago, bjoerntiemann said:

Also, I do have assigned Joy#1 and U Axis# to Throttle 2 only. Once I move it, theย  Prop pitch 1, 2, 3 and 4 in section 5 of 11 are moving (even if do not have assigned Pitch moving anywere) ๐Ÿ˜ž why?

That most definitely indicates that you have the axes assigned in P3d. go into P3D options and DISABLE the controllers. Don't worry about unassigning them, just disable them. (Last section there).



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