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IMPORTANT NOTE for Mouse Macro users updating from P3D version 4.3 or earlier

Pete Dowson

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Up until version 4.4 the mouse macro facilities in P3D4 have worked, but only if the aircraft is loaded after the same loading sequence in each session – in other words, as the first or default aircraft or always after a fixed previous sequence of loaded aircraft. This was because the identifier numbers for each mouse-sensitive rectangle in the panels was not maintained otherwise, so the saved macros had the wrong rectangle IDs in them.

Version 4.4 corrects this, providing fixed consistent IDs for each aircraft no matter when loaded. However, in order to correct the error L-M have had to change the numbering system and so no mouse macros made with an earlier version will work.

This means that you will have to re-make all of your mouse macros when you update to 4.4 or later. But it will be worthwhile, because then they won’t change again (unless you update the aircraft, of course).

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