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ERJ 145 FMS - two problems


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I have the database navigraph updated but the FMS does two things wrong:

  1. Although the valid dates for the database show that it is up-to-date, it shows up in red instead of green... ?
  2. No matter how I save the flightplan within the aircraft, I mean only using the FMS, I can't re-call it; always comes up with "FLP contains invalid wpt"

Any advice

Thank you


(I use P3Dv4.3)

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They weren't.

The second point, the "FLP contains invalid wpt" error happened right after I bought the ERJ145 the other day, with no new database or anything. Only then I tried the navigrapgh update, which didn't resolved the issue and in addition, shows the right dates but in red, now for no apparent good reason.

So before going to them, I would like to know why I got the "FLP contains invalid wpt" in first place right out of the box

Thank you



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