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Chain of clicks FSUIPC Macro, would it be possible ?

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I would like to ask if it is possible in FSUIPC to do a sequence of clicks for FMC / MCDU, for example, I would like to access to one page in the MCDU
but i have to click many buttons in order to access it, I know and already use the FSUIPC function KeyPress/Macro where we can record a mouse click at a specific location.
would it be possible to use Macro for a chain of clicks with FSUIPC ? 

Or you guys have any other idea to implement this ? 

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5 hours ago, John Dowson said:

You can have multiple actions in one macro by editing the macro file - see the section 'Multiple actions in one macro control' in the Advanced user manual, page 37.




Thanks i will have a look, also one more question, would it be possible to add time delay between each action (macro?) Thanks

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