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P3Dv4.5 is minimized when FSUIPC performs a save

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I am running P3Dv4.5 with two monitors. The main monitor is used only for the sim and the secondary monitor for ancillary programs: Navigraph Charts, vPilot,...

P3D is running in windowed mode. When I am running P3D with the secondary monitor disconnected the screen only blinks when the autosave occurs. With the secondary monitor connected (even without running any software) the sim is minimised when the autosave occurs.

This same configuration has run for long without any problems and I am not able to identify any change that might have occurred and leading to the current behaviour. I am running the last versions of Win10 64bit, a GeForce video board with the latest driver, and of course P3Dv4.5.

Hope someone might help!

Kind Regards,


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5 hours ago, dmnunes said:

P3D is running in windowed mode. When I am running P3D with the secondary monitor disconnected the screen only blinks when the autosave occurs. With the secondary monitor connected (even without running any software) the sim is minimised when the autosave occurs.

FSUIPC's "AutoSave" is merely a call to Simconnect to save the flight, in exactly the same way as using P3D's menu or the ; key would do. the only difference is that it automatically generates the flight name for you.

So, something else is doeing your flashing or minimising. I suspect you have an add-on, maybe an aircraft, which is seeing the save happen and is doing it's own actions as a result. For example, many add-on aircraft save the state of the parts of the aircraft not otherwise saved by default. There will be other examples.

So, you'll need to eliminate each add-on you have running until you find it.



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Thanks Pete for your reply. I'll have to keep searching for a cause for the problem. It doesn't have to see with the aircraft, as it happens exactly the same whether I am using the Aerosoft Airbus or the much simpler Dakota! I have eliminated the possibility of other add-ons, such as Active Sky or Navigraph Charts, as the problem happens with just P3D working, if I have the secondary monitor switched on. As I said in my previous message, if I start the session with the secondary monitor disconnected I only see a short blink of the sim when the save takes place.

Kind Regards,


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8 hours ago, dmnunes said:

. It doesn't have to see with the aircraft, as it happens exactly the same whether I am using the Aerosoft Airbus or the much simpler Dakota!

Always also test with a default aircraft.

8 hours ago, dmnunes said:

with the secondary monitor disconnected I only see a short blink of the sim when the save takes place.

That shouldn't happen either.

What happens if you save a flight using the ; key (default shortcut for 2save flight0. It will prompt you for flight name.



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Hello Pete,

I have now tested with a default (P3D) aircraft, the Lockheed Electra. The behaviour is exactly the same. Using the Save function of P3D the flight is also minimised (but the flight is normally saved).

You say that the short blink I have referred (when using a single display) shouldn´t happen either. However, a fellow flightsimmer I am in contact with, also refers the short blink when the save occurs. In his case he has no problems with the two monitors.

Thanks for your help.

Kind Regards,


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6 hours ago, dmnunes said:

I have now tested with a default (P3D) aircraft, the Lockheed Electra. The behaviour is exactly the same. Using the Save function of P3D the flight is also minimised (but the flight is normally saved).

Then it is some other add-on. Assuming you've already tried with no other programs running, only P3D, What other DLLs do you have running?

Did you bother to try the ; metod of saving manually as I asked?

6 hours ago, dmnunes said:

You say that the short blink I have referred (when using a single display) shouldn´t happen either. However, a fellow flightsimmer I am in contact with, also refers the short blink when the save occurs. In his case he has no problems with the two monitors.

There really isn't anything I can do. the only way to save a flight is to ask P3d, via Simconnect, to do it. I'm not able to figure out how to gather the data and produce the files myself. it is all done by P3D I assure you.



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Hello Pete,

I have now tested saving the flight manually. It took me some time to find out how to do it: as it happens with some other keyboard commands, the flight saving is not commanded by [;] but by the acute sign [´]. This results from the layout of my Portuguese keyboard. The results are the same as for FSUIPC saving the flight: with a single monitor it is OK, but when I switch on the 2nd monitor the sim minimises.

I think we can conclude the problem has nothing to see with FSUIPC. I will keep trying to find what is causing this problem. If and when I will find the reason I will let you know. Thanks for your help.

Kind Regards,


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17 minutes ago, dmnunes said:

I think we can conclude the problem has nothing to see with FSUIPC. I will keep trying to find what is causing this problem. If and when I will find the reason I will let you know.

Thanks. it would be worth you describing the problem, especially reproducing it using P3d's own facilities rather than FSUIPC, on the L-M support forum.



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