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FSUIPC still runs

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*** Moved from Announcements to main support forum ***

I use P3D v4 with FSUIPC for my simulator B737 NG. Today when I started the sim I got a message that FSUIPC is still running from previos simulation. I was suggested to go to the task manaer and cose the activity. But I can not see any FSUIPC file that is still running. If I try to fly I can not increase thrust for example. And some buttons has change function. Can someone help me what to do?

Edited by John Dowson
Moved to support forum
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1 hour ago, Magnus125 said:

Today when I started the sim I got a message that FSUIPC is still running from previos simulation

FSUIPC5 runs as a dll within P3Dv4. It cannot possibly be running without the sim running - you will not see it in the task manager, only P3D itself. And if P3D is still running, you should not be able to restart it until you have closed the one already running.

Did you try closing down P3D fully and restarting? If you still have your issue, please attach your FSUIPC5.log file (after you have closed down P3Dv4) and also a pic of the actual message you are getting.


P.S. You posted in the Announcements section.  I have moved your post for you. Please post all support requests here, in the main support forum, thanks.

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In your Modules folder, under your P3D installation directory, where FSUIPC5 is installed. You can also use the button 'Open Folder' in the FSUIPC Logging tab which will open an Explorer window showing you the location & contents of this folder.If you cannot see the file, you may have to change your Explorer view options to see the file extension (you need to un-check the option 'Hide extensions for known file types').


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1 hour ago, Magnus125 said:

For some reason some of the calibrations were gone.

This can't happen, unless you remove the calibration entries from the ini file. Check that the axis haven't been re-assigned in P3D - its better to disable controllers completely in P3D if you are doing all your assignments in FSUIPC.

Anyway, glad your problem is solved.


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