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Hello everyone, 

I am new to the community, and I wanted to ask a question before I buy FSUIPC5. 

I have a Thrustmaster Throttle HOTAS that i use for P3Dv4 , I like to fly the aerosoft A320 PRO to practice before my recurrent yearly sessions for work, and for fun too.

Basically I want to be able to speed up, slowdown, climb descend, turn left, and turn right using the buttons on the throttle quadrant. I have included a picture of what I would like to do.


Can I do this using FSUIPC5 and P3Dv4? 


I truly appreciate any feedback before I buy the key.


Thank You so much, and fly safe.


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those functions to map you are looking for are depending on what is available in that product. If L:Vars or SDK functions for those are available then yes.

You might be best to ask as well in their forum as others might have done those already or maybe know if those are available.


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