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FSX or Prepar3D crashes when FSUIPC reads weather data from SimConnect

Pete Dowson

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Sometimes corrupted code or data might cause strange errors, usually crashes (CTD's) immediately the Sim becomes ready for flying.

The only such data which FSUIPC would instigate FSX reading and processing are the weather-related files, the wxstationlist.bin file in this folder:
C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft|FSX (or the LockHeed Martin\Prepar3D equivalent) and the .wx files in your FSX (or Prepar3D) documents folder (the folder where your saved flights are).

If any of those are corrupted, possibly from a previous crash of FSX, then they can cause unpredictable errors when loaded. Unfortunately FSX's SimConnect doesn't check these files before use.

So, the first step is to try deleting all of those files. The .bin file will be rebuilt, and .wx files will be created for new flights, and are largely irrelevant if you use an add-on weather program.

Another test would be to insert "NoWeatherAtAll=Yes" into the [General] section of the FSUIPC4.INI file. That will stop FSUIPC asking for the weather data. Of course this will stop any FSUIPC applications you may have getting weather data, but perhaps you have none.

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