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429837307_LockheedMartinPrepar3Dv416_04_202011_03_41 (1) .png.a04d84269df251b5d9ec1f09d9c8dc43.png

Bonjour Peter,
j'ai une petite inquiétude à propos de FSUIPC 6.
J'ai Fsuipc5 dans le module sous P3DV4.5 windows 10, l'installateur pour installer Fsuipc 6 avec validation de la clé de série Fsuipc 5 et WideFs 7. Je vous ai joint
une copie d'image.
Je pense que j'ai raté une étape mais je ne vois pas laquelle. !!!!!
Pourrais-tu m'aider s'il te plait?
Dois-je installer LINDA comme avec Fsuipc 5?
Merci d'avance pour votre retour.



Hello Peter, I have a little concern about FSUIPC 6. I have Fsuipc5 in the module under P3DV4.5 windows 10, the installer to install Fsuipc 6 with validation of the serial key Fsuipc 5 and WideFs 7. I I have attached a copy of the image to you. I think I missed a stage but I don't see which one. !!!!! Could you help me please Should I install LINDA as with Fsuipc 5? Thank you in advance for your return. cordially ALEXANDRE Alain

Edited by Pete Dowson
English translation added
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2 hours ago, ALEXANDRE Alain said:

the serial key Fsuipc 5 and WideFs 7

Registration keys for FSUIPC5 are not valid for FSUIPC6, but WideFS7 keys are still valid with FSUIPC6. Please see here:


2 hours ago, ALEXANDRE Alain said:

I think I missed a stage but I don't see which one

Registration occurs at the last stage of installation. Enter your details there and click the 'Register' button to generate your key file. But as I said, your FSUIPC5 key is not valid.


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Thanks Peter for your help.

Following your response, I download the "VSPE" software as indicated in Fsuipc6 for advanced users to create two virtual COM lines: COM2 / COM5 and COM6 / COM7.
I use the FCU and the Overhead of VRInsight A320.
When P3DV5 is launched, the FCU is recognized and asks me to choose my plane but not the Overhead.
I attach 2 files to this shipment.
Thank you for your advice, which is always very effective.




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