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Fsuipc 6 and Flight plan Garmin P3DV4 et P3DV 5

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*** Moved to main Support Forum ***

Hello Gentlemen,
We encounter a problem with the use of fsuipc6 in twin version when it coexists with P3DV4 and 5. When creating a flight For P3DV4 plan by Sim Brief and manage with AivlaSoft, the EFB_Current_GPS file is deposited in the P3DV5 directory Files and don’t drops into P3DV4 Files as we attempt to fly in P3D V4. How should we partition the work of the module in order to be able to create flight plans either in one or in the other when we decide to keep the two versions of 4 and 5.

Is it possible to find an FSUIPC for each version.

thank you


Edited by John Dowson
Moved to support forum
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Hi Pierre,

first, you posted in a sub-forum - please post all support requests in the main forum.

For your actual problem, please download and try the latest release (6.0.3). There was a patch released yesterday that correct a problem with flight plans between v4 and v5 in a shared installation.

If that doesn't solve your issue, please report back.




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