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FSUIPC Autosave Kills NGXU Climb Power

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Really strange one, fresh install of everything. Straight away NGXu has next to no climb power. firewalled throttles and it struggles to maintain 200 knots in a tailwind. If i toggle autosave it then climbs normally. I thought it was a fluke but it's done it again on my 2nd flight. No power, turn auto save off and then back on and boom, full power and climbs like a rocket again. Very strange!


FSUIPC 5.156

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38 minutes ago, jonathanfenton said:

Really strange one, fresh install of everything. Straight away NGXu has next to no climb power. firewalled throttles and it struggles to maintain 200 knots in a tail wind. If i toggle autosave it then climbs normally. I thought it was a fluke but it's done it again on my 2nd flight. No power, turn auto save off and then back on and boom, full power and climbs like a rocket again. Very strange!

Autosave merely calls the SimConnect function to save a flight. Nothing else. The action then is exactly the same as when you save a flight manually, for example by using the ; keypress and entering a name for the flight.

PMDG aircraft are programmed to detect the saving of a flight and freeze the performance temporarily whilst collecting the data relating to the aircraft state. Sometimes folks report that this causes a slight hesitation. Of course it should not actually change any of the values being collected. If it is doing this then it is a bug in the PMDG code and should certainly be reported.



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Hi Pete, thanks for your swift reply. The confusion for me comes with when i open FSUIPC and toggle Auto Save Off then come out it then restores performance. It could be the fact it pauses the sim when i open FSUIPC and is purely placebo that it was when i toggled that. When i take off it does it's first auto save which i get the micopause from, like you say could be from there. Will do some more testing and report back.

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Seemed to have found the culprit. Also noticed that the ACARs data on VAMSYS was also screwey on the flaps. Deleting the flaps settings from the FSUIPC5.ini resolved this as per link below.


Thanks you can close this topic.

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1 hour ago, jonathanfenton said:

Deleting the flaps settings from the FSUIPC5.ini resolved this as per link below.

Ah, flaps calibration -- that was the entry you removed (same as pressing "Reset" on the Flaps entry in the FSUIPC calibration tab). The axis input from FSUIPC was presumably coonflicting with the setting in the PMDG aircraft.

Most axes are read directly by PMDG aircraft and so, if you calibrate in FSUIPC, there are two possibly conflicting values getting into the Sim -- one from FSUIPC and one from PMDG.

This is a pretty well known thing with PMDG aircraft, but mainly with the main flight controls. I think most folks use the Flaps Inc and Dec controls rather than an axis.




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