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P3Dv4 black screen when selecting FSUIPC

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I'm having this problem for which I ask your support.
When clicking on the FSUIPC add-on, the P3Dv4 window goes black and only returns when I close the FSUIPC window. This way, certain functionalities such as mouse macros are impossible to use.
I'm using a registered FSUIPC6, together with the following add-ons: A2A, ASP3D, HONEYCOMB, LORBY Camera Position, MADDOGX and ORBX Object Flow. The problem occurs with default or add-on aircraft.
I made the following attempts to isolate the problem, closing and restarting P3D, after each attempt, without success:
1 - uninstalled FSUIPC, deleted every folder and file created and reinstalled FSUIPC.
2 - disabled all add-ons (A2A, ASP3D, HONEYCOMB, LORBY Camera Position, MADDOGX, ORBX Object Flow), except FSUIPC.
3 - put P3D in windowed or full screen mode.
4 - disabled/enabled the "auto-fill main view" P3D setting.
FSUIPC .log and .ini files are attached.




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35 minutes ago, Rubens said:

When clicking on the FSUIPC add-on, the P3Dv4 window goes black and only returns when I close the FSUIPC window

This is normal behaviour - looks like P3Dv4 blacks out the screen when in dialog mode. This looks like a recent(ish) change (in P3Dv4).

35 minutes ago, Rubens said:

This way, certain functionalities such as mouse macros are impossible to use.

This is not the case as you define the mouse macro once you have closed the FSUIPC UI. I can't think of any functionality (in FSUIPC) that this prevents you from using....

Its also the same behaviour as P3Dv5.



Edited by John Dowson
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