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Suddenly Lost my CH Pro Pedals for Rudder Control

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I started up FSX:SE last night and discovered that my CH PRO PEDALS USB are no longer mapped. When I accessed Addons > FSUIPC and clicked [Axis Assignments] , nothing was listed when I moved my pedals - same for the toe brake axis. Even when I did a rescan nothing is detected for rudder movement. So I checked the FSUIPC.INI in my ..\FSX\Modules\ folder  and noticed that my CH PRO PEDALS USB aren't even listed in that file's JoyNames section. This is what's listed:


3=Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant
4=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke

I created a backup copy of that INI file a weeks back, as I was considering editing some of my profiles, but never did make any changes. This is what the JoyNames section looked like then


0=Razer Tartarus V2
1=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
3=Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant
4=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke

Note the error though, in that the CH PRO PREDALS USB and Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant are listed with the same GUID.  I did disconnect my Thrustmaster T.16000m around that time, as I'd just gotten my Saitek Pro Flight Yoke and was short a USB cable, which is why it isn't in that list. Not sure why my Razer Tartarus V2 is no longer listed, but I never configure it internally within any flight sim anyways. I also found a file in the \Modules folder called FSUIPC4.JoyScan.csv  and opened it. I noticed that my CH PRO PEDALS USB are listed in each of the 3 sections and have confirmed via the Windows Registry that the VID and PID values for the CH PRO PEDALS USB are correct. I'm not sure of the other long hex value (I'm guessing that's the GUID), as there doesn't seem to be an equivalent of it in the registry.

I should probably mention, that all of my USB devices (including rudder pedals) are working correctly when tested from the Windows 10 - "Devices" > "Devices and Printers" > "Game Controller Settings" > "Properties". As well my CH PRO PEDALS USB are being recognized and working correctly with X-Plane 11, IL-2 Cliffs of Dover and the IL-2 Battles of Stalingrad flight simulations. 

So I'm wondering what I need to do to get FSUIPC to recognize my rudder pedals again? Could it be a simple as renaming that FSUIPC4.JoyScan.csv file and then stating up FSX?
Any help in getting this resolved would be much appreciated.

[Edit] Just realized, I should have also mentioned that with FSX started, I can access Settings > Control > [Axis] and successfully map my CH PRO PEDALS USB to the rudder axis - which I then immediately delete. I checked axis mapping from that same FSX form for all of my USB devices and none of them have any axis mapped.

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1 hour ago, kronovan said:

So I'm wondering what I need to do to get FSUIPC to recognize my rudder pedals again?

It is probably recognizing it but cannot do anything because of the GUIDs being the same.

I think you should read through the last parts of this thread, because i fear the answer will be the same:

The only way possible for duplicate GUIDs is a registry mess.



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Thanks for getting back to me Pete.

I resolved the problem and it turns out it was being caused by the Razer Tartarus 2 - not a total surprise because I've found its driver and software on occasions to be problematic. Once I disconnected the Tarturus keypad, ended its Synapse applet and ran FSX, the CH PRO PEDALS USB were correctly enumerated and written into the FSUIPC.INI file. However, when I reconnected the Tartarus and ran FSX again, the Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant and Saitek Pro Flight Yoke were incorrectly written into the INI as Razer Tartarus devices!? The solution was to reboot my computer and run FSX again, whereupon all of my input devices were written into the INI correctly - including the Tartarus.

I had disconnected and reconnected all of my HOTAS devices recently, so maybe that explains what triggered this. As well, the Tartarus' Synapse software got updated this week, so maybe that was the cause. All my USB devices with the exception of the Tartarus are connected to a single, powered USB 3.0 hub. Situations where I encounter a problem with a USB device not being recognized have been far more rare than common.

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