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V6.10 and AP

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I'm using P3Dv4.5 and FSUIPC 6.10.

I have assigned a button on my Saitek throttle item so that I can disconnect the auto pilot, but it does not work. ie. It does not disconnect the AP. This is a similar setup I have in my FSX and FSUIPC and works well.

This is the entry in the .INI file:  1=P0,18,C65791,0     -{AUTOPILOT_OFF}-    Which assume is correct.

Hope you can advice why it is not working.



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What aircraft are you using? Just tried it in the Maule and it seems to work ok there. If its an add-on aircraft, standard controls may not work.

You could try try AP_MASTER to see if that works, but that will toggle on/off. However, if that works, you can probably add an offset-check condition to only turn it off via the button (if you do not want the toggle functionality).

Otherwise, turn on FSUIPC event logging, switch the autopilot on and then off in the UI and see what events are logged.



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PMDG usually implement their own controls for these type of things. Are you sure this was working for your PMDG aircraft in FSX?

For many PMDG controls, you have to use their custom controls. This is explained somewhere in their SDK. This also may be helpful:  https://myhomecockpit.de/index.php/en/?view=article&id=56


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