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Custom Lvars


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I’ve added a new SimVar named “L:SquakIdent” to an aircraft I am currently developing

I had initially had Event.Lvar(“SquakIdent”,”SquakMode”) in a Auto Lua script however it fails saying it is “nil” 

So I have a couple of questions,

Has Event.Lvar been added yet for MSFS? 
is it possible to search for custom L:Vars?



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Hi Joshua,

as described in the Announcement and in the provided README.txt file:


Missing Functionality 
The following functionality is not currently available in FSUIPC7. We may look at re-instating some of these
items at a later date, if and when such facilities are provided by the MSFS SDK:

1. Mouse Macros (and other mouse functionality, e.g “mouse look”, etc):  pending facilities to be provided
2. lVar access: pending facilities to be provided (if lVars still exist!)


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