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I have just completed the first part of my multi aircraft panel for use with P3Dv4 using Arduino's and Mobiflight to interface with the encoders, switches and buttons, as well as providing outputs for led's and stepper motors.

Stage two of the build looks at panel lighting and in particular the method to control the dimming features of the various aircraft. I currently use PMDG, Qualitywings 787 and A2A aircraft.

I am aware of the different methods those aircraft use to interface with the sim, but my question is:

1. What is the best hardware to use for the dimmers? (encoders or potentiometers)?

 I have experimented with the Arduino and the joystick library, and have managed to get a few axis to work with FSUIP and control a dimmer in PMDG by assigning the eventID to the axis. I have also achieved control using an encoder. Of the two the potentiometer seems to be the more realistic and smooth method.

So if it is possible to program an Arduino to act as a joystick with analogue axis, how do I get it to have say 8 axis to use? All of the sample codes seem to limit it to 3 or 4. (x, y, z and one more)

I know there is the Leo Bodnar cards out there but can the Arduino do the same job thus avoiding the purchase of the much more expensive Leo Bodnar cards? The Pro Micro card has many more analogue inputs I could use if not for the code needed for them to be recognised.


Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.

ps. I have very basic self taught skills with programming.



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15 hours ago, anthonym said:

1. What is the best hardware to use for the dimmers? (encoders or potentiometers)?

For dimmers does it really matter? I would have thought either would suffice, or even a rotary (i.e. non linear, 1 or 2 button in each direction) switch would perform just as well.

Thats just my 2cents, so take it with a pinch of salt. Others with more experience in these matters will hopefully give a more informed opinion, but you may be better off (for hardware questions) asking over on cockpitbuilders.com.


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