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Displays rolled into one??


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Would someone be able to explain what is happening here? I loaded the E-195 and the PF & FO Displays are all showing together, all rolled up into one little neat package. This does not look right. I also note that when I look at the Aircraft folder under simobjects\Airplanes as shown here, there was an Aircraft.cfg,bak file created. IT WAS NOT THERE BEFORE. This is an auto generated file that I believe is causing this. Can some one in development or maybe there is someone who might have experienced the same thing please shine some light on  this? I know it is unusual. I have never ever experienced such weirdness.







Edited by scoobflight
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OK seems to be working all right now after re-install. But my observation where the Aircraft.cfg,bak file is generated when I load ANY Aircraft. But when the Aircraft is unload or I close the sim the backup file is removed. This seems to be an automatic thing where maybe an external program tweaking the normal cfg and than saving the .bak file as a backup. I cannot think of an external program that would cause this.


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