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FSUIPC button assignments changes automatically

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Dear all 

I assign buttons for my P3D V5 through FSUIPC 

It works fine, but after restarting my PC, the assigned buttons changes 

for e.g. if I assign a button for park brakes, after restarting the PC, the same button automatically assigned for some other controls

please help me to solve this issue 

thanks for the sim community for the great help via forum 

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13 hours ago, Captainsat said:

for e.g. if I assign a button for park brakes, after restarting the PC, the same button automatically assigned for some other controls

Please check your assignments in P3D. If assigning in FSUIPC, we recommend to disable controllers as if you don't do this P3D can automatically re-assign if/when it detects a new controller. 
If you have already disabled controllers, then check to see if you are using the JoyLetters facility (see the FSUIPC User Guide, P22) and that your controller number ids haven't changed.


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