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Phenom 100 Yaw Dampener issue


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I bought the Phenom 100 a few years ago. I haven't flown it for a while and recently got a new laptop.
I installed the Phenom 100, was doing the Intro flight and had an incident. 

I was taking the Intro flight, per the feelThere manual.
All was going well. I took off, AP did the left turn nicely.
I began the After Take-Off Checklist.
Step 4: Yaw Dampener.... ON.
I clicked the YD button, and that's when it went crazy.
It flipped straight into a dive, with the annunciator calling something about the autopilot.
Seconds later, it nosed into the ground.

Could you suggest something that might have caused this, maybe something I missed?
Thanks kindly, and have a great New Year.


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No.  But in subsequent flights (I haven't touched YD since), I noticed that YD displays in the PFD, even though I have not pressed the YD button. I wondered if there was a setting that tied YD to AP, so I went looking in both the config tool and FS settings, but didn't find anything even close.

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