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FSUIPC6.JoyScan.csvFetching info... FSUIPC6.logFetching info...

I am finding that axis and button assignments are not available once I restart either of my sims. I have the option to use separate profile files for each aircraft, and (I hope) the substring option set so that all assignments relate to same aircraft variants. At any rate, I am not sure what is going on; if you could assist I would appreciate it.

FSUIPC6.iniFetching info...

  On 2/16/2021 at 2:29 AM, snp227 said:

the substring option set so that all assignments relate to same aircraft variants.


The substring oprion is set but you aren't using it! You need to change youe profile sections, e.g.


[Profile.Dash 8-400 (Majestic)]


can be just


[Profile.Dash 8-400 (Majestic)]




1=Fly The Maddog X MD-82
2=Fly The Maddog X MD-88 - American Airlines N226AA
3=Fly The Maddog X MD-88 - USA Jet Freighter
4=Fly The Maddog X MD-88 - Delta Airlines
5=Fly The Maddog X MD-83 - USA Jet Freighter
6=Fly The Maddog X MD-83 - American Airlines N226AA
7=Fly The Maddog X MD-88 - Nortwest




1=Maddog X MD


etc. i.e. just specify a substring that matches all the variants - and no others!

For your issue, I also need to see the profile of the aircraft you have loaded so that I can see the assignments there and if they match the loaded aircraft, so for this example I would need to see your MD-*X profile for the Maddog X.
Also, you are using Linda, I can't really diagnose FSUIPC issues when using Linda. Can you disable for the next test - just rename your linda.lua (or ipcReady.lua if thats all it starts) by renaming temporarily. Also, update you logging and, for the time being, disable axes event logging and enable logging for buttons & keys and events. Then load an aircraft, press a button with an assignment, and show me the files again (your .ini, .log and profile.ini for the loaded aircraft).

The logs you posted show your devices were recognised and acquired ok.


I've just taken a look at your profile ini, and the section names are wrong. The Profiles in Separate Files document states:


Since all of the sections within a profile INI are only related to that named profile, the section names lose the
appendage and once again become just [Axes], [Buttons], etc.


Looking at your MD-8X.ini file, your section names are:

When they should be just

Did you create these manually? How come the profile name is also different than the actual profile being used (even if it shouldn't be there)?

Try removing those extra strings/appendage from your profile section names.

Also, you should revise your profile substrings used in your FSUIPC6.ini file, as I previously suggested.



I did what you suggested intially and all appears to be working, now. I changed the MD-8X.ini file; I thought I was accomplishing the substring function but obviously I misunderstood what I read. However the control issues pre-date that from what I recall. Thank you for helping me clear that up!

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