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Suddenly no Compatibility FSUIPC4 and FSX?

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After working for years with FSUIPC4 and FSX Acceleration I got now an errormessage, FSX recogniced a incompatibility to the Addon FSUIPC4
I reinstalled FSUIPC but there was the same effect.
I retried to start FSX three time and it works again.
Now I fear such a errormessage could appear again. What can I do?

The Errormessage I only have in German




Edited by flattermann
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14 hours ago, flattermann said:

After working for years with FSUIPC4 and FSX Acceleration I got now an errormessage, FSX recogniced a incompatibility to the Addon FSUIPC4
I reinstalled FSUIPC but there was the same effect.
I retried to start FSX three time and it works again.
Now I fear such a errormessage could appear again. What can I do?

It is not an "incompatibility" as such, but a result of your FSX crashing in a previous session. FSUIPC is normally the last thing to close (it has threads running to enable it to close plug-ins, WideFs connections and other autonomous activities), so sometimes Windows wrongly identifies FSUIPC as the problem and marks it so.

Reinstalling FSUIPC never makes a difference -- you are simply replacing a DLL with exactly the same DLL. You could instead have downloaded the latest verison (4.976) and installed that, which would probably have caused Windows to reset the flag.

Usually this is fixed by simply re-trying a few times, but please also see these FAQ threads:



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Hi Pete,

I am very thankful for your quick answer. I am using now the last version and hope all will be fine. In the meantime I have no more problems with the errormessage.

There were indeed some CTD using FSX, ADE and AIFP3 together.

best greetings


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