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No toe brakes when Joystick calibration enabled

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Hello dear,

I have this problem, only with the FSLabs A320, that my toe brakes stop responding when I set the Left/Right brake calibration.

As soon as I Reset those calibrations so that the status is 'Axis not processed' my brakes start working again.

What could be the problem?

Best regards,


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3 hours ago, rvnbrg said:

As soon as I Reset those calibrations so that the status is 'Axis not processed' my brakes start working again.

Most likely that addon model is processing the brake directly and doesn’t see the calibrated input sent direct to the Sim.



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12 hours ago, rvnbrg said:

Is there any other way of calibrating the brakes then? I see that people use the slope function in FSUIPC for the FSLabsA320 but that option might not be available as I understand.

You could try assigning in the "send to FS" mode to the Axis Left Brake and Axis Right Brake controls (instead of "Direct to ..." mode). Then calibrating (using the slope if needed), and / or you could set UseAxisControlsForNRZ=Yes in the [JostickCalibration] section (or the one for the Profile for your A320). But I'm not sure the latter option works with brakes.

I've no other reports of brake calibration problems with the A320, so you might ask in their Forum.



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