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The basic use of the airports database is covered in the example code application.

The examples below for the ILS info assume you already have an FsAirport object. I've used EGLL:

// Get airport info for EGLL
FsAirport egll = db.Airports["EGLL"];

Example 1: Getting all runways at the airport with ILS info and displaying the ILS details in a listbox:

            // Clear any ILS info in the listbox
            // Go through each runway and find those with ILS info
            foreach (FsRunway rw in egll.Runways)
                if (rw.ILSInfo != null)
                    // This runway has ILS Data - Show it in the list box
                    string ilsInfo = "Runway " + rw.ID + " | Freq: " + rw.ILSInfo.Frequency + " | Hdg: " + rw.ILSInfo.Heading.ToString("F0");


Example 2: Getting ILS info for a specific runway at the airport:

            string runwayID = "27L";
            FsRunway rw = egll.Runways[runwayID];
            if (rw != null)
                if (rw.ILSInfo != null)
                    string ilsInfo = "Runway " + runwayID + " | Freq: " + rw.ILSInfo.Frequency + " | Hdg: " + rw.ILSInfo.Heading.ToString("F0");
                    MessageBox.Show("Runway " + runwayID + " has no ILS");


The FsILSInfo class has a few other properties:



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