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Need Help, at Registration

i bought  FCUIPC7 at simmarket 3 days ago.

then i try to register and hot folloing error, : Registration details for FSUIPC7 not valid - please re-enter and try again. It is recommended to copy/paste yourt details from registration email from simmarket.

And i did it, copy/paste many many time but always the same error.

Please i need help.


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Can you run FSUIPC7? Skip the registration and try running it unregistered. If it won't run, you need to update your VC++ redistributables - see the provided REASME.txt.

If it does run, and you are using the details EXACTLY as written in your SimMarket purchase email/account, then please let me know your order number and I will check your details.

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I Bought FSUIPC7.0.2 version.

Now I reinstall fs2020 because it not start... and downalod new FSUIPC 7.1.0

When i insert my registration data i recived Registration details for FSUIPC7 not valid - please re-enter and try again. It is recommended to copy/paste yourt details from registration email from simmarket..

I copy and paste exatly detail that i used always.


if you want to know my ragistration detail tell me where can i sand you .

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If you have previously registered. there is no need to re-register. Just use the key file that was previously created. If you installed in the same folder, your previous registration details will be picked-up and populated, and you can just skip the registration. If you have installed in a different folder, then copy your FSUIPC7.key (as well as other FSUIPC files you may want to keep, such as you FSUIPC7.ini file) across to the new location.

Any further problems with registration, please check one of the many support requests where I have detailed the reasons for this and what you need to do.

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