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FSUIPC events and duration

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I've got an issue with the link between the visual duration of an event and the way it is triggered in FSUIPC !

I explain : I use a hardware skalarki A320 cockpit with P3Dv4 and prosim A320, and I've just installed a BFF Bass Shaker V2 (http://bffsimulation.com/BFF_Shaker_Driver.php).

I've set all the parameters, but when I retract the landing gear, the vibration generated by the shaker start exactly at the right second but only occurs for about 4 seconds. The landing gear visual animation and noise occurs for about 10/12 seconds, this is almost the same for opening or retract.

First I thought it is a driver software setting issue, but the BFF technical support told me they just stop the vibration while triggering the end event from FSUIPC.

So I've been searching in the aircraft.cfg if there is not a specific parameter for the gear animation duration handled by fsuipc, but nothing... so how fsuipc decide when the gear is fully opened or retracted regarding to the visual animation and noise that is different depending on the aircraft used ?

and is there a way in fsuipc to change the way the end of opening or retract event is sent ?

thank you very much for your product... and your help :-)





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6 minutes ago, A320SKA said:

so how fsuipc decide when the gear is fully opened or retracted regarding to the visual animation and noise that is different depending on the aircraft used ?

FSUIPC knows nothing about the visual information. FSUIPC will be receiving events and/or simulator variables (simvars) from the FS and updating the relevant offsets.
What is the Bas Shaker using to drive the sound - is it using FSUIPC?

10 minutes ago, A320SKA said:

and is there a way in fsuipc to change the way the end of opening or retract event is sent ?

There isn't anything we can do in FSUIPC - we just show the data as received from the sim, or send the event to control the start of the open/retract.

Just checked the  BFF Bass Shaker V2 page and it seems it comes with its own configuration software, and it talks to the FS directly, not using FSUIPC. I think you should maybe contact their support for this.


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thank you for this quick reply 🙂

the BFF driver software does not talk directly to the sim but to fsuipc, that is required.

I'm in touch with them, and they told me they decide nothing, they just get information from fsuipc offsets.

so if fsuipc gets information from the sim, that means the sim is able to update its variable depending on the aircraft, it is the reason the gear retractation does not certainly take the same time with a small aircraft and a big jetliner... so it means there is something in the aircraft.cfg or directly in the model defining this duration (the sound for each aircraft is always properly synchronised with the gear animation).

It is the problem with my Prosim A320 aircraft model : the gear takes about 10/12 seconds to fully retract, the sound is active for the same time, but the bff software seems to get the information from fsuipc that the retract is done after 4/5 seconds... so maybe the prosim A320 model is not correct...

Anyway, another solution should be to ask BFF to add a choice for these kind of events, between fsuipc end event or a specific duration set in a config file.

thank you for your help.


Edited by A320SKA
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2 minutes ago, A320SKA said:

I'm in touch with them, and they told me they decide nothing, they just get information from fsuipc offsets 🙂

Which offset is it using to drive the sound? If you know what that is, and if it can be changed, you could maybe do something....

3 minutes ago, A320SKA said:

so if fsuipc gets information from the sim, that means the sim is able to update its variable depending on the aircraft, it is the reason the gear retract does not certainly take the same time with a small aircrat and a big jetline... so it means there is something in the aircraft.cfg or directly in the model defining this duration (the sound for each aircraft is always properly synchronised with the gear animation).

I think the animation is driven differently - I doubt very much the animation is driven by the simvars on the gear position...

5 minutes ago, A320SKA said:

It is the problem with my Prosim A320 aircraft model : the gear takes about 10/12 seconds to fully retract, the sound is active for the same time, but the bff software seems to get the information from fsuipc that the retract is done after 4/5 seconds... so maybe the prosim A320 model is not correct...

I don't know if this is a "problem" - more probably just the way the model/animation works.
If the sound is driven by an offset and you can change the offset, you could have a lua plug-in which copied the values from the original offset to a new offset but added a delay before doing this. You can then use this new offset, to drive the sound, if that is possible.

8 minutes ago, A320SKA said:

Anyway, another solution should be to ask BFF to add a choice for these kind of events, between fsuipc end event or a specific duration set in a config file.

Or ask them to make the offsets configurable. Then you can control what is written to the offset and when, either by using a timer or possibly a different event or simvar, if there is something that can be used to detect when the retraction has started and completed that matches the animation.

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