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with the last updates of the FBW A320 Developer Version fsuipc is unable to read parking break state, so for all virtual airlines or tools using this state to start tracking the flight, flying the a320 is impossible.

Issue: https://github.com/flybywiresim/a32nx/issues/5074

The FBW Team is using Lvars states now: The var corresponding to the parking brake lever is now "A32NX_PARK_BRAKE_LEVER_POS" and it reports the position of the lever only.

Github: https://github.com/flybywiresim/a32nx/issues/5074


My question, is there a solution to "map" the Lvar variable to the parking brake state in the fsuipc.ini or get another fix to get this mod working with acars tracker again?





  On 6/15/2021 at 6:23 AM, Chad P said:

My question, is there a solution to "map" the Lvar variable to the parking brake state in the fsuipc.ini or get another fix to get this mod working with acars tracker again?


You can map the parking brake state lvar to a free user offset (e.g. 0xA000)  using the lvars-to-offsets facility, released in v7.2.0. You would then need to configure the acars tracker program to use that offset instead of offset 0x0BC8 - if you can do that.

Offset 0x0BC8 holds the simvar BRAKE PARKING POSITION .There is also another simvar called  BRAKE PARKING INDICATOR , but this is not currently held in any offset. If this is updated for the A320 FBW, I could also add that to an offset. However I doubt this is available/populated as the they are using lvars for this now, but I will take a look when I get a chance...

  On 6/15/2021 at 9:04 AM, Chad P said:

unfortunately I'm not able to edit the code of the acars tracker program


Can you not configure the FSUIPC offsets that are used by the acars tracker program? Maybe raise a support request for this to see if this is possible.
I can't really consider updating how FSUIPC7 handles the parking brake offset for a single add-on, especially when its still only a development version.
I could maybe consider how to handle this in the future, if/when it moves to stable, but I would not consider looking into this while its still in development.

  • Like 1
  On 6/15/2021 at 9:04 AM, Chad P said:

unfortunately I'm not able to edit the code of the acars tracker program, so I guess your hint won't work.


You can try mapping the lvar to an offset and then using the offset spoofing facility, located at offset 0024. This will replace ('spoof') the parking brake offset to the value of the lvar. There is also an example lua script provided that shows you how to use this facility, called liar.lua.

  On 6/18/2021 at 12:36 PM, Chad P said:

thx John, this would be nice


Try the attached lua. You will need to auto-run by adding it to your [Auto.xxxx] section in your FSUIPC7.ini file (where xxxx is the name of your A320FBW profile) -  see the Advanced User Guide if you don't know how to do that:

A320ParkBrake.luaFetching info...

Note that this lua will continually run. I have added a sleep delay of 100ms, so it will check the lvar and update the offset 10x per second (roughly). which is probably overkill. If you have any resource issues, maybe better to add the lvar L:A32NX_PARK_BRAKE_LEVER_POS to an offset, then use the lua event.offset function to only spoof the offset when the lvar value changes. Should be relatively easy to do that (given the lua I have provided), but if you want to do this and have issues let me know and I can assist.



Hi John,

thx for the script.

The Auto load is working, I've also activated the logging.

But the problem is, the parking brake isn't recognized.

This is the log from the lua script:


***** LUA: "A320ParkBrake" Log [from FSUIPC version 7.2.0] *********
     8656 System time = 19/06/2021 08:02:48, Simulator time = 08:02:45 (06:02Z)
     8656 LUA: beginning "D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua"
     8656 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:1
     8656 LUA: Global: ipcPARAM = 0
     8687 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:2
     8703 LUA: Local: spoofOffset = 3016
     8719 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
     8734 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 0
     8750 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
     8765 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
     8890 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
     8906 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
     8953 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
     9078 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
     9094 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
     9125 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
     9250 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
     9265 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
     9281 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 0


Whenever I put the parking brake lever, the postion is still 0. Also when I am checking the WASM -> List Lvars, every event is at 0.00000

Is this a LVAR loading or connecting problem or something else?



Okay, the lua script seems to work if I check this logging again:


320907 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 1
   320938 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   321063 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   321079 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   321094 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 0
   321125 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   321250 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   321266 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   321282 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 1
   321313 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   321438 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   321454 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   321469 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 0
   321500 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   321625 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   321641 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   321657 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 1
   321688 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   321813 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   321829 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   321844 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 0
   321875 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   322000 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   322016 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   322032 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 1
   322063 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   322188 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   322204 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   322219 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 0
   322250 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   322375 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   322391 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   322407 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 1
   322438 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   322563 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   322579 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   322594 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 0
   322625 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   322750 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   322766 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   322797 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   322922 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   322938 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   322969 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   323094 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   323110 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   323141 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   323266 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   323282 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   323313 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:17
   323438 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   323454 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   323469 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 1



But unfortunally the tracker says, parking brake sill off and there is no parking brake event triggered in the fsuipc.log

  On 6/19/2021 at 6:18 AM, Chad P said:

Also when I am checking the WASM -> List Lvars, every event is at 0.00000

Is this a LVAR loading or connecting problem or something else?


If that is the case, then it sounds like the lvar values are not being updated. But in your second post, you have different values for pBrakePosition, so is this problem resolved?

  On 6/19/2021 at 7:31 AM, Chad P said:

But unfortunally the tracker says, parking brake sill off and there is no parking brake event triggered in the fsuipc.log


There will not necessarily be a parking brake event as the A/c is using the lvar. Did you try logging the parking brake offset to see what the value is when the lvar value changes? Maybe try that,.

Looking at offset 0BC8, the description says:  Parking brake: 0=off, 32767=on

Currently the script is just writing the value of the lvar, which is 1 for on. You therefore need to adjust by adding:
    if pBrakePosition == 1 then
         pBrakePosition = 32767
(after you have read the lvar value and before you vall ipc.writeStruct).

Updated script attached.

A320ParkBrake.luaFetching info...




Thx John,

thx, I've tried your new script, unfortunately the script crashes when loading the flight:



   118719 LUA: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:14
   119438 >>> Thread killed <<<
   119438 System time = 19/06/2021 09:55:14, Simulator time = 09:55:06 (07:55Z)
********* LUA execution terminated: Log Closed *********

********* LUA: "A320ParkBrake" Log [from FSUIPC version 7.2.0] *********
   114875 System time = 19/06/2021 11:43:41, Simulator time = 11:43:41 (09:43Z)
   114875 LUA: beginning "D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua"
   114875 *** LUA Error: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:11: unexpected symbol near 'Â'
   114891 >>> Thread forced exit (ipc.exit or os.exit) <<<
   114891 System time = 19/06/2021 11:43:41, Simulator time = 11:43:41 (09:43Z)
********* LUA execution terminated: Log Closed *********

********* LUA: "A320ParkBrake" Log [from FSUIPC version 7.2.0] *********
     8812 System time = 19/06/2021 11:47:05, Simulator time = 11:47:04 (09:47Z)
     8812 LUA: beginning "D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua"
     8812 *** LUA Error: D:\Sim Tools\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:11: unexpected symbol near 'Â'
     8828 >>> Thread forced exit (ipc.exit or os.exit) <<<
     8828 System time = 19/06/2021 11:47:05, Simulator time = 11:47:04 (09:47Z)
********* LUA execution terminated: Log Closed *********


I don't know what this error means "unexpected symbol near 'Â'"

Posted (edited)

Hi John,

This is my first post, and i hope you can help me with the solution, i have downloaded the beta version of the FSUIPC 7.2 and i have added the line bellow to the FSUIPC7.ini


As you have have suggested in the post, but then when i try to see the log value of the Offset, i got always 0, so i'm not sure if the utility works only for the registered users or is more general? then if the Offset is correct how should i read it from Vb.net i do usually do it as


Public parkingbrake2 As Offset(Of Short) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Int16)(&HA000)

but it seems does not work.

Thank you so much,

Fausto Palacios.


ps: from the log of FSUIPC, i got:

8953 **** Lvar 'A32NX_PARK_BRAKE_LEVER_POS' not found: cannot add to offset 0x

pss: Ihave try to list all the LVARS and i get:

19688   [INFO]: We have 000 lvars:


Edited by Fausto Palacios
adding log
  On 6/22/2021 at 2:34 PM, Fausto Palacios said:

As you have have suggested in the post, but then when i try to see the log value of the Offset, i got always 0, so i'm not sure if the utility works only for the registered users or is more general?


The lvars-to-offset facility is (currently) for registered versions only.

  On 6/22/2021 at 2:34 PM, Fausto Palacios said:

i have downloaded the beta version of the FSUIPC 7.2


7.2 has been released - you should use that version, not the beta. I will also be releasing a minor update later this evening or tomorrow morning, 7.2.1.

  On 6/22/2021 at 2:34 PM, Fausto Palacios said:

then if the Offset is correct how should i read it from Vb.net i do usually do it as


If using the FSUIPC SDK, you should  use the WAPI (the WASM API) for lvar/hvar access. Not sure how you would do that in VB.net though. There is a static lib as well as a dynamic dll available, maybe you can use that, but I would not know how to do that via VB, sorry.

However, if you are using a registered version, be aware that lvars are only available once an a/c has been loaded, and not when in the MSFS main menu.



I also would like a solution for this because my acars-program cannot read the state of the parking brake and therefore I cannot use it.

I know that it needs to read the A32NX_PARK_BRAKE_LEVER_POS simvar.

Only problem is I'm not that technically brilliant to perform the necessary steps.

Could someone please explain how to achieve this in an understandable way, please.

I use the latest FSUIPC-version.



  On 6/23/2021 at 12:08 PM, krieke58 said:

I also would like a solution for this because my acars-program cannot read the state of the parking brake and therefore I cannot use it.

I know that it needs to read the A32NX_PARK_BRAKE_LEVER_POS simvar.

Only problem is I'm not that technically brilliant to perform the necessary steps.

Could someone please explain how to achieve this in an understandable way, please.


The solution has already been posted. Download the lua and use that. Don't forget to add the lvar to the offset you are using.

  On 6/23/2021 at 12:08 PM, krieke58 said:

I use the latest FSUIPC-version.


Are you sure? I released v7.2.1 an hour or so ago...

  On 6/23/2021 at 12:08 PM, krieke58 said:


I also would like a solution for this because my acars-program cannot read the state of the parking brake and therefore I cannot use it.

I know that it needs to read the A32NX_PARK_BRAKE_LEVER_POS simvar.

Only problem is I'm not that technically brilliant to perform the necessary steps.

Could someone please explain how to achieve this in an understandable way, please.

I use the latest FSUIPC-version.




Also as mentioned it would work only for registered version, so if you don't have a registered version any proposed solution will not work so far, in my case i got the List of Lvars getting the lastest version of FSUIPC, but still i cannot get the proper value because i don't have a a registered version. so the only thing as mentioned by Jhon, is waiting from FBW to deploy the LVAR mapping to a stable version so he can finally address a proper offset to it in FSUIPC library or just modifying the Acars. which mean extra effort if you have to program it from scratch(specially if your pilots use the DEV or Experimental version of the A320).


Thank you Jhon for your answer.


Thanks for the reply. Will download the latest version. I have the registered version.

As for the lua and offset, that's what I was afraid of. Where do I put the lua-file, what offset and where to add it to use and add the simvar, that will be a research project for me ....

Well, It's worth a try ...

  On 6/23/2021 at 12:46 PM, krieke58 said:

As for the lua and offset, that's what I was afraid of. Where do I put the lua-file,


Sorry, I was mistaken - you don't need to add the lvar to an offset to use the lua script. Just download the latest version (attached), and place it in your FSUIPC7 installation folder. Then add an entry to your FSUIPC7.ini [Auto] section, or, preferably, your [Auto.xxxx] section (where xxxx is the profile name for your A320. 

If you don't know how to do that, check the Advanced User Guide, section Automatic running of Macros and Lua plugins (P36).


A320ParkBrake.luaFetching info...

  • 1 month later...

Hi, I tried all these steps but nevertheless I don't get it work.

Here is my log file:

********* LUA: "A320ParkBrake" Log [from FSUIPC version 7.2.6] *********
    25250 System time = 18/08/2021 09:13:25, Simulator time = 06:13:22 (07:13Z)
    25250 LUA: beginning "d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua"
    25250 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:1
    25265 LUA: Global: ipcPARAM = 0
    25281 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:2
    25296 LUA: Local: spoofOffset = 3016
    25312 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
    25328 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 0
    25343 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
    25359 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
    25390 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
    40421 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
    40437 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
    40453 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
    40484 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
    42484 >>> Thread forced exit (ipc.exit or os.exit) <<<
    42484 System time = 18/08/2021 09:13:42, Simulator time = 06:13:22 (07:13Z)
********* LUA execution terminated: Log Closed *********

********* LUA: "A320ParkBrake" Log [from FSUIPC version 7.2.6] *********
   154250 System time = 18/08/2021 09:15:34, Simulator time = 09:15:33 (07:15Z)
   154250 LUA: beginning "d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua"
   154250 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:1
   154265 LUA: Global: ipcPARAM = 0
   154281 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:2
   154296 LUA: Local: spoofOffset = 3016
   154312 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   154328 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 0
   154343 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   154359 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   154390 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   154921 >>> Thread forced exit (ipc.exit or os.exit) <<<
   154921 System time = 18/08/2021 09:15:35, Simulator time = 09:15:33 (07:15Z)
********* LUA execution terminated: Log Closed *********

********* LUA: "A320ParkBrake" Log [from FSUIPC version 7.2.6] *********
   161390 System time = 18/08/2021 09:15:41, Simulator time = 07:15:34 (07:15Z)
   161390 LUA: beginning "d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua"
   161390 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:1
   161406 LUA: Global: ipcPARAM = 0
   161421 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:2
   161437 LUA: Local: spoofOffset = 3016
   161453 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   161468 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 0
   161484 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   161484 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   161515 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   172046 >>> Thread forced exit (ipc.exit or os.exit) <<<
   172046 System time = 18/08/2021 09:15:52
********* LUA execution terminated: Log Closed *********

********* LUA: "A320ParkBrake" Log [from FSUIPC version 7.2.6] *********
   172265 System time = 18/08/2021 09:15:52
   172265 LUA: beginning "d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua"
   172265 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:1
   172281 LUA: Global: ipcPARAM = 0
   172296 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:2
   172312 LUA: Local: spoofOffset = 3016
   172328 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   172343 LUA: Local: pBrakePosition = 0
   172359 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   172375 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   172406 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   187437 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   187453 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   187468 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   187500 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   202515 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   202515 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   202531 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   202562 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   217593 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   217593 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   217609 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   217640 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   232671 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   232687 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   232703 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   232734 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   247765 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   247765 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   247781 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   247812 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   262843 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   262859 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   262875 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   262890 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   277921 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   277937 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   277953 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   277984 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   293015 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   293015 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   293031 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   293062 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   308093 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   308093 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   308109 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   308140 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   323171 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   323171 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   323187 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   323218 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   338250 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   338250 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   338265 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   338296 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   353328 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   353328 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   353343 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   353375 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   368406 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   368406 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   368421 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   368453 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   383484 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   383500 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   383515 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   383546 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   398578 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   398578 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   398593 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   398625 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   413656 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:8
   413656 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:10
   413671 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:15
   413703 LUA: d:\FSUIPC7\A320ParkBrake.lua:18
   423812 >>> Thread forced exit (ipc.exit or os.exit) <<<
   423812 System time = 18/08/2021 09:20:04, Simulator time = 09:19:57 (07:19Z)
********* LUA execution terminated: Log Closed *********


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