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Lvar to offset problem


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I wanted to get door open lvar (DOOR_MAIN_DOOR_POS) to offset linked to the door (3367)

I tried these to manage it on Fsuipc7.ini file




also i tried to use size as SB and SW

but no luck

What do i do wrong?

Thank you.


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9 minutes ago, dmordogan said:

What do i do wrong?

Several things...!
First, check that the lvar exists - is it listed when you list the available lvars (Add-ons->WASM->List Lvars menu option)?

If so, good. If not, the lvar doesn't exist, or has not been registered with FSUIPC. If the latter, you could try reloading the lvars after load (using the Add-ons->WASM->Reload menu option). If thats the case (i.e. the lvar is created AFTER FSUIPC requests the lvar list), then you can increase the LvarScanDelay WASM ini parameter (just noticed the name is missing in the Advanced User Guide - I will correct).

Then, you are specifying that the value should be written to offset 3367 (or trying to...). This is NOT a user offset. For lvars, you need to add them to free user offsets (e.g. starting at A000 or 66C0, etc).

And no spaces between the size an offset address (or though this may be allowed, I forget...but it IS NOT as specified to use, so best not to include spaces).

Also, check what the value of that lvar holds - if its an integer (unsigned), then use UW, if signed, use SW, if just a flag (0 or 1), use UB.

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our flight management system reads values via psuipc offsets to determine flight status

but in msfs there is no door value (3367 offset is empty)

thats why system cannot see the door is open

I though that if i can get Lvar(DOOR_MAIN_DOOR_POS) value to the offset(3367) then system can read it

and the other problem is in Lvar when door is closed value=0 but if it is open value=100

I thing offset value can be 0 or 1

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1 minute ago, dmordogan said:

I though that if i can get Lvar(DOOR_MAIN_DOOR_POS) value to the offset(3367) then system can read it

No, you cannot do this. You can 'spoof' the value in that offset to the lvar value if thats what you need to do. I have recently posted a lua script on how to do this for the Parking Brake offset in this post: 

If you want to spoof the value of offset 0x3367 to the lvar L:DOOR_MAIN_DOOR_POS, take the lua from that thread and adjust as needed.

3 minutes ago, dmordogan said:

this lvar is exist 

Then check the other issues I mentioned.

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5 minutes ago, dmordogan said:

and the other problem is in Lvar when door is closed value=0 but if it is open value=100

You can adjust for this in the lua script. Once the lvar value is read, just change it to the correct value in the lua script before writing.

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1 minute ago, John Dowson said:

You can adjust for this in the lua script. Once the lvar value is read, just change it to the correct value in the lua script before writing.

I understand that 3367 is not a user offset 

that means we cannot change it even there is no value for that in msfs?

if i would spoof it via lua script and change then can i write it to the offset 3367 with lua?

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Just now, dmordogan said:

if i would spoof it via lua script and change then can i write it to the offset 3367 with lua?


What this does IS to write the value to the lvar offset...well, not exactly, what it does is that when ANYTHING (almost, see the description for offset 0024) reads that value, it will read the spoofed value. Just try it!

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Just now, dmordogan said:

our flight management system is reading door status from 3367 offset via fsuipc 

I want to write  DOOR_MAIN_DOOR_POS Lvar value to 3367 offset 

As i understand it is possible to write it jjust only via lua script right?

I have already explained how to do this....

What don't you understand?

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6 minutes ago, dmordogan said:

ok thank you very much for information i will try something according to you advices

Ok. But note that offset 3367 is a byte-oriented offset. So the value in each bit is a different door. So, a value of 100 is 0b1100100, so that is doors exit3, exit6 and exit7.
Write the appropriate value (for the doors you want to control) from the relevant lvars. i.e. if different doors are different lvars, they are distinct bits on the offset.

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1 minute ago, John Dowson said:

Ok. But note that offset 3367 is a byte-oriented offset. So the value in each bit is a different door. So, a value of 100 is 0b1100100, so that is doors exit3, exit6 and exit7.
Write the appropriate value (for the doors you want to control) from the relevant lvars. o.e. if different doors are different lvars, they are distinct bits on the offset.

I am planning to change tha value of Lvar   "value/100"  then when door closed value =0/100=0  when door open value=100/100=1 and then trying to bind the offset like you did A320ParkBrake.lua to the 0x3367

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Just now, dmordogan said:

am planning to change tha value of Lvar   "value/100"  then when door closed value =0/100=0  when door open value=100/100=1 and then trying to bind the offset like you did A320ParkBrake.lua to the 0x3367

Be aware:

3367 1 This byte shows doors that are open, one bit per door:
2^0 = Exit1 … 2^3 = Exit 4.


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Just now, dmordogan said:

I am planning to change tha value of Lvar   "value/100"  then when door closed value =0/100=0  when door open value=100/100=1 and then trying to bind the offset like you did A320ParkBrake.lua to the 0x3367

and value is 0 or 1 then i should use UB size for that i suppose

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1 minute ago, dmordogan said:

and value is 0 or 1 then i should use UB size for that i suppose


Please re-read my posts....

It is a 1 byte offset, but each bit in that byte represents a value, 0 or 1, depending if the door for that bit is open or closed

....you seem to be posting many messages before I can respond...I suggest you read my posts and digest first....


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Just now, John Dowson said:


Please re-read my posts....

It is a 1 byte offset, but each bit in that byte represents a value, 0 or 1, depending if the door for that bit is open or closed

....you seem to be posting many messages before I can respond...I suggest you read my posts and digest first....


"....you seem to be posting many messages before I can respond...I suggest you read my posts and digest first...."

sorry for that

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4 minutes ago, dmordogan said:

as i understand of this 0x3367 is exit1 1x3367 is exit2 etc

No! That is, sorry, just rubbish. 0x prefix indicates hexadecimal. 0b binary. 0x3367 is the offset address, which is 1 byte, 8 bits. We are talking about bits here...
Sorry, but you are obviously not  computer literate. Please just follow my advise....

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Each door is a separate bit (i.e. a 0 or 1 value) in offset address 0x3367, which is 1 byte, thus holding the state for 8 doors (Exit1 to Exit8). You need to write the byte value (i.e all 8 doors) to the offset, and each bit in that value will control doors 1-8 (or those that actually exist)

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10 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

No! That is, sorry, just rubbish. 0c indicates hexadecimal. 0b binary. )c3367 is the offset address, which is 1 byte, 8 bits. We are talkimng about bits here...
Sorry, but you are obviously not  computer literate. Please just follow my advise....

I am sorry about that

I came from x-plane and wrote many lua script there but here is different there is a concept "offset" which i am trying to understand


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22 minutes ago, dmordogan said:

I came from x-plane and wrote many lua script there but here is different there is a concept "offset" which i am trying to understand

An offset is just a memory starting address. You also need to consider the size (1 byte in this instance) and the data that it holds (bit-oriented flags for that offset address).
I'm sorry, but this is not the place for a tutorial on these concepts - there is google (or other search engines) to help you with basic understanding, And I'm sure its the same in xplane/xuipc. You just need to understand the concept of bit-wise flags. Its really not that difficult. Try by re-reading what I have explained. And, if you still don't understand, just do it by example: log the offset values for the different states, and write the value for the state you need when necessary....

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Maybe an example will help you....
Door 1 is bit 0, so to open just that door, you would set bit 0, i.e. write 0x1, or just 1.
Door 2 is bit 1, so to open just that door, you would set bit 1, i.e. write 0x2, or just 2.
Door 3 is bit 2, so to open that door, you would set bit 2, i.e. write 0x4, or just 4

If you write 0x3, or just 3, that is 0b11, so that would open doors 1 and 2 (bits 0 and 1 set).

So, as I said, if you write 100 (in decimal), that is in binary 0b1100100, which is:
   - door 1 closed 0b1100100 - bold is bit 0
   - door 2 closed  0b1100100 -  bold is bit 1
   - door 3 open  0b1100100 - bold is bit 2
   - etc

To change single doors, you need to read the offset value as it is, then change the bit (using the lua logic library) for the door you want to control.
You should or the original value with the bit flag you want to set, or and to clear.

I understand this may sound advanced for your understanding, but it really isn't that difficult. If you can tell me exactly want you want to achieve (i.e which aircraft and, if applicable, which mod, and which doors) then I can maybe help you further if you have issues.


[Note some folks call bit 0 bit 1, which is confusing. But you can usually tell by context]

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