Eliagh Posted August 8, 2021 Report Posted August 8, 2021 For the first time since the last update, I started the sim and updated the FSUIPC module to version 7.2.6. I found that none of the LVAR-assigned buttons perform their function on any aircraft. On all aircraft, the FSUIPC/add-ons/WASM/List Lvars (and set Lvars) menu is empty. What could have gone wrong?
John Dowson Posted August 8, 2021 Report Posted August 8, 2021 I'm not sure without seeing your files your log files - can you show me your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files, and also your FSUIPC_WASM.log file. Someone has reported that the lvars weren't available until after the engine had started, but I haven't been able to reproduce this. John
Eliagh Posted August 8, 2021 Author Report Posted August 8, 2021 These are the files. I didn't find FSUIPC_WASM.log, but there is FSUIPC_WASMIF.log file. FSUIPC7.logFetching info... FSUIPC7.iniFetching info... FSUIPC_WASMIF.logFetching info...
John Dowson Posted August 8, 2021 Report Posted August 8, 2021 On 8/8/2021 at 11:09 AM, Eliagh said: but there is FSUIPC_WASMIF.log file. Expand It will be under C:\Users\eliag\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\packages\fsuipc-lvar-module\work (please see the Advanced User Guide, P44.) I'm not sure why you also have an FSUIPC_WASMIF.log file - have you been modifying the FSUIPC_WASM.ini file (if so, please show it to me) or using the WASMClient? Anyway, could you enable Debug logging in the WAPI by adding the following to your FSUIPC7.ini file under the [WAPI] section: LogLevel=Debug Also, please delete everything under your [General] section and let that get rebuilt, as you have a lot of old and no longer relevant settings there. Then, start MSFS and load an aircraft and try again. If you still get 0 lvars, also try issuing a Reload command from the FSUIPC7 WASM menu. Then exit and show me your FSUIPC7.log, FSUIPC7.ini files, and FSUIPC_WASM.log files. I see you are also using Linda. May be a good idea to disable that for the time being (i.e. rename the lua script that start it) while we try and determine why the lvar details are not being received. And how are you starting FSUIPC7 - via the auto-start method or manually?
John Dowson Posted August 8, 2021 Report Posted August 8, 2021 Just took a look at the C208B and I got 95 lvars when spawned cold & dark: Quote 147438 13000 [INFO]: We have 095 lvars: 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=000 XMLVAR_ADF_Frequency_10_Khz = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=001 HANDLING_ElevatorTrim = 838.683552 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=002 XMLVAR_LeverFlapsHidden = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=003 XMLVAR_YokeHidden1 = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=004 XMLVAR_YokeHidden2 = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=005 ParkingBrake_Position = 100.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=006 XMLVAR_LeverMixtureHidden1 = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=007 XMLVAR_Starter1 = 1.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=008 XMLVAR_LeverThrottleHidden1 = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=009 XMLVAR_LeverPropellerHidden1 = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=010 XMLVAR_ELT_STATE = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=011 XMLVAR_ELT_TEST_TIME = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=012 XMLVAR_Autopilot_1_Status = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=013 XMLVAR_LTS_Test = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=014 XMLVAR_VNAVButtonValue = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=015 XMLVAR_AirSpeedIsInMach = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=016 DEICE_Airframe_1 = 2.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=017 XMLVAR_IsDeiceAirFrame = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=018 AS1000_PFD_ScreenLuminosity = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=019 AS1000_PFD_Brightness = 2.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=020 AS1000_MFD_ScreenLuminosity = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=021 AS1000_MFD_Brightness = 2.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=022 HANDLING_RudderTrim = 0.000000 147438 13000 [INFO]: ID=023 HANDLING_AileronsTrim = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=024 XMLVAR_InterSep = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=025 LIGHTING_POTENTIOMETER_3 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=026 LIGHTING_PANEL_1 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=027 LIGHTING_PEDESTRAL_1 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=028 LIGHTING_POTENTIOMETER_30 = 100.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=029 LIGHTING_CABIN_2 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=030 LIGHTING_CABIN_1 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=031 LIGHTING_STROBE_1 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=032 LIGHTING_BEACON_1 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=033 LIGHTING_NAV_1 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=034 LIGHTING_LANDING_1 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=035 LIGHTING_LANDING_2 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=036 LIGHTING_TAXI_1 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=037 LIGHTING_WING_1 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=038 LIGHTING_CABIN_3 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=039 XMLVAR_ELT_ACTIVATION_TIME = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=040 XMLVAR_PushXFR = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=041 DEICE_Pitot_1 = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=042 INSTRUMENT_Altimeter_0 = 1013.250011 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=043 AS1000_PFD_SelectedNavIndex = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=044 AS1000_PFD_SelectedComIndex = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=045 PFD_CDI_Source = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=046 PFD_InnerMap_MapZoomRange = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=047 PFD_InnerMap_MapShowCursor = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=048 AS1000_MFD_SelectedNavIndex = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=049 AS1000_MFD_SelectedComIndex = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=050 MFD_InnerMap_MapZoomRange = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=051 MFD_InnerMap_MapShowCursor = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=052 ASVigilus_Brightness = 0.000000 147453 13000 [INFO]: ID=053 XMLVAR_Magneto_Starter_IsHeld = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=054 ASPropeller_Pitch_Min = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=055 ASPropeller_Pitch_Max = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=056 AS3X_Touch_Brightness = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=057 XMLVAR_Autopilot_Altitude_Increment = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=058 CJ4_PFD_ScreenLuminosity = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=059 AS3000_Brightness = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=060 CJ4_MFD_ScreenLuminosity = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=061 XMLVAR_ElevatorTrim_Switch_YOKE = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=062 XMLVAR_ElevatorTrim_YOKE_SwitchStateTimer = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=063 DEICE_Airframe_2 = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=064 XMLVAR_LeverThrottleHidden2 = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=065 XMLVAR_RudderTrim_Switch_1 = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=066 XMLVAR_RudderTrim_1_SwitchStateTimer = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=067 XMLVAR_AileronTrim_Switch_1 = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=068 XMLVAR_AileronTrim_1_SwitchStateTimer = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=069 XMLVAR_ElevatorTrim_Switch_PEDESTRAL = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=070 XMLVAR_ElevatorTrim_PEDESTRAL_SwitchStateTimer = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=071 Generic_Master_Caution_Active = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=072 Generic_Master_Warning_Active = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=073 WT1000_VNav_Distance_To_TOD = 9007199254740992.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=074 WT1000_LPV_Vertical_Deviation = 16819.837891 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=075 WT1000_VNav_Path_Mode = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=076 WT1000_LNav_BRG_Mag = 16.932482 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=077 WT1000_LNav_DIS = 76555.484375 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=078 WT1000_LNav_DIS_Turn = 76555.484375 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=079 WT1000_LNav_DTK_Mag = 16.760218 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=080 WT1000_LNav_Next_DTK_Mag = 0.000000 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=081 WT1000_LNav_XTK = -0.131250 147469 13000 [INFO]: ID=082 WT1000_CDI_Scale = 2.000000 147485 13000 [INFO]: ID=083 WT1000_CDI_Scale_Label = 1.000000 147485 13000 [INFO]: ID=084 WT1000_VNav_TOD_Leg_Index = 0.000000 147485 13000 [INFO]: ID=085 WT1000_VNav_TOD_Distance_In_Leg = 0.000000 147485 13000 [INFO]: ID=086 WT1000_VNav_BOD_Leg_Index = 0.000000 147485 13000 [INFO]: ID=087 WT1000_VNav_Alt_Capture_Type = 0.000000 147485 13000 [INFO]: ID=088 WT1000_VNav_Target_Altitude = -1.000000 147485 13000 [INFO]: ID=089 WT1000_VNav_Vertical_Deviation = inf 147485 13000 [INFO]: ID=090 WT1000_VNav_FPA = 0.000000 147485 13000 [INFO]: ID=091 WT1000_LPV_Distance = 76640.015625 147485 13000 [INFO]: ID=092 WT1000_VNav_Approach_Mode = 0.000000 147485 13000 [INFO]: ID=093 HUD_AP_SELECTED_SPEED = 0.000000 147485 13000 [INFO]: ID=094 HUD_AP_SELECTED_ALTITUDE = 0.000000 Expand So it does sound like something specific to your system. As I said, please try with and without Linda to see if that makes a difference. John
Eliagh Posted August 8, 2021 Author Report Posted August 8, 2021 Let's try to untangle this knot. 1. I started WASMClient when FSUIPC did not recognize Lvars. Of course, I have not used this module for a long time and even forgot about it. By the way, he does not show the list of Lvars either. 2. I have not used Linda for a long time and right now I have deleted all related files and references in ini. 3. I did everything you said. Files are attached. 4. There is no FSUIPC_WASM.log file in the work folder, which is very strange. There are only a few * .Lvar files created back in March. 5. I did not change the FSUIPC_WASM.ini file. 6. I start FSUIPC manually, as always, after loading MSFS. FSUIPC7.logFetching info... FSUIPC7.iniFetching info...
John Dowson Posted August 8, 2021 Report Posted August 8, 2021 On 8/8/2021 at 1:19 PM, Eliagh said: 4. There is no FSUIPC_WASM.log file in the work folder, which is very strange. There are only a few * .Lvar files created back in March. Expand This is very strange - you have a connection to the FSUIPC WASM module so there must be a log file somewhere. Can you try searching for it? If you don't have Everything, I recommend you download and install it from https://www.voidtools.com/ and use that to try to find the location of this file. I need to see this (maybe also with Debug logging enabled, or maybe Trace) as the issue looks to be in the WASM module as no CDA config data is being seen by FSUIPC7. On 8/8/2021 at 11:32 AM, John Dowson said: If you still get 0 lvars, also try issuing a Reload command from the FSUIPC7 WASM menu. Expand Did you try this? On 8/8/2021 at 11:32 AM, John Dowson said: Also, please delete everything under your [General] section and let that get rebuilt, as you have a lot of old and no longer relevant settings there. Expand Are you sure you did this? The [General] settings haven't changed.... On 8/8/2021 at 1:19 PM, Eliagh said: 6. I start FSUIPC manually, as always, after loading MSFS. Expand Maybe also try with FSUIPC7 started before you start MSFS - although it shouldn't make a difference when you start FSUIPC7, it is still worth checking. Quote 9140 [INFO]: **** Starting FSUIPC7 WASM Interface (WAPI) version 0.5.1 9140 [INFO]: Connected to MSFS 11984 [INFO]: We have 000 lvars: Expand You also tried to list the lvars a couple of seconds after the WASM connection was obtained. Doesn't matter in this case, but best to wait 30 seconds or so (more if you have the WASM LvarScanDelay parameter configured in the WASM ini) after the aircraft is loaded (or FSUIPC7 started) before you start to use lvars or hvars.
John Dowson Posted August 8, 2021 Report Posted August 8, 2021 Btw, are you using any other WASM modules? If so, maybe temporarily move them out of your MSFS Community folder so they aren't loaded for the time being.
Eliagh Posted August 8, 2021 Author Report Posted August 8, 2021 The problem was solved, but in a strange way. Here's what I did: installed FSUIPC in a different folder and ran it from there. With the new INI file, the module was able to find all Lvars. However, I need my old INI file with all my settings, in addition, all the .mcro files I need are left in the old folder. Then I started FSUIPC from the old folder and fortunately it started working with Lvars as before. I have no idea what the matter was, but thanks for the help. And FSUIPC_WASM.log files now appear in WORK folder.
John Dowson Posted August 8, 2021 Report Posted August 8, 2021 On 8/8/2021 at 2:25 PM, Eliagh said: I have no idea what the matter was, but thanks for the help. Expand When you re-installed, you also re-installed the WASM module. Sounds like the previous WASM module installation was corrupted somehow and wasn't being loaded. Do you now see the FSUIPC_WASM.log file?
Eliagh Posted August 8, 2021 Author Report Posted August 8, 2021 During all my many attempts today, I have reinstalled the entire FSUIPC many times, but in the SAME folder. Accordingly, every time I reinstalled WASM. I even removed it from the Community folder. The problem was solved only after running pure FSUIPC once from another location.
John Dowson Posted August 8, 2021 Report Posted August 8, 2021 On 8/8/2021 at 2:34 PM, Eliagh said: The problem was solved only after running pure FSUIPC once from another location. Expand I don't understand this, as the location of FSUIPC7 doesn't/shouldn't matter - unless its installed in a windows-protected folder (i.e. under Programs). Do you have an FSUIPC_WASM.log file now? Just want to make sure of that, and the location.
Eliagh Posted August 8, 2021 Author Report Posted August 8, 2021 On 8/8/2021 at 2:37 PM, John Dowson said: Do you have an FSUIPC_WASM.log file now? Expand Yes, now this log is created in the work folder. FSUIPC_WASM.logFetching info...
John Dowson Posted August 8, 2021 Report Posted August 8, 2021 Quote Yes, now this log is created in the work folder. Expand Ok, thanks - just wanted to check! 1
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