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CTD after 5 hrs flying


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   I have been flying WSS - EGLL in the b787x with the stable version of the heavy mod pack. 

I have had two CTD both in the same rough location approx 5 hrs into the flight. One of the CTD events in the viewer is showing FSIPC as the faulting module. I would be greatful if you could take a look pls. I have also put a ticket into MSFS support page.

I have a very stable system and rarely get CTD's 

- System
- Provider
      [ Name] Application Error
- EventID 1000
      [ Qualifiers] 0
  Version 0
  Level 2
  Task 100
  Opcode 0
  Keywords 0x80000000000000
- TimeCreated
      [ SystemTime] 2021-09-29T15:41:37.7185773Z
  EventRecordID 12422
- Execution
      [ ProcessID] 0
      [ ThreadID] 0
  Channel Application
  Computer Home-Base
- EventData
      D:\Program Files\fsuipc\FSUIPC7.exe



I also have the CTD dump file but its 6.6mb and the page states to large to attach


Thanks in advance for your help






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Can you please show me your FSUIPC7.log. I suspect that it was MSFS that CTD', and FSUIPC7 exited normally due to MSFS no longer being present. The log would confirm this. This can generate a windows fault event in FSUIPC7, but there should be a preceding event that indicates MSFS has crashed. If this is the case, you should report to MSFS, as you have done.


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50 minutes ago, darenf said:

Where can i find the log pls?

In your FSUIPC7 installation folder - if you don't know where that is, use the File->Open Installation folder... menu option from FSUIPC7. If you can't see the FSUIPC7.log file, see the annex in the installation and registration guide.


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Strange, if that is the full contents of your installation folder. There is no FSUIPC7.ini either - have you assigned anything in FSUIPC7? 

From your installation log, I see you installed under D:\Program Files\fsuipc.  Is D:\Program Files your windows Program Files folder, and thus protected? If so, you should uninstall and re-install in a different folder.



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Thanks for the quick reply. 

 D:\Program Files  is on a secondary drive where all my flight sim files are. c:\ is my windows drive

I dont have anything assinged in FSUIPC. I just installed it and it pops ups and runs when i have MSFS2020 loaded.

I did try the autosave feature after my first crash. It saved the flights like it did when i used it in P3D before but when i tried to re launch from the last save before the crash, the sim crashed straight away after loading. I also noted that the autosave feature has to be re checked every time i launch the sim. It doesnt stay checked. Does that suggest a problem or is it normal to unchecked?

Anyway if i need to uninstall and move it, then i will gladly follow your advice


thanks again


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1 hour ago, darenf said:

Anyway if i need to uninstall and move it, then i will gladly follow your advice

i would try that. Of there is no .ini or .log files, that usually means that FSUIPC cannot write to the installation folder due to Windows protection. Try installing in a different folder (e.g. D:\FSUIPC7) and running MSFS again to see if the .ini and .log files are created.

Nothing to do with your issue though. But for me to take a look at your issue, I need to see an FSUIPC7.log file produced form the session where it CTD'd.


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Your installation folder now looks ok - the FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files are now present.

However, that is a strange log you posted - was FSUIPC7 still running?
The last entry in the log is after 5.5 mins, so nothing to do with your CTD after 5 hours of flying. Show me the log file after you next get the CTD.


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6 hours ago, reza1st said:

Not sure if it's related to FSUIPC.

You log shows that DSUIPC7 exited as MSFS closed down (probably CTD'ed):


   158687 -------------------- Starting everything now ----------------------
  2176984 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Message, return = 0xC000014B
  2178672 MSFS no longer running - exiting

You should have a crash event in the Windows event kig, and maybe an MSFS crash dump file. You can report this to Asobo, attaching the crash event and dump log, it you have one.

One thing you could try is to increase the number of SimConnect client connections, although I don't think it will solve your issue, but it doesn't do any harm. Increase the maxClients parameter in your SimConnect.xml file to 128. Idf you are nut sure how to do this, check this forum as there are several posts explaining this already.


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