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Controlling multiple LVARs with one switch


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Noob question: I want to control the Left, Nose and Right Landing lights of the Aerosoft CRJ, with a single switch.

Their respective LVARs are:


And i can control them seperately, but how can i set them with one switch?
I tried the multi-line macro from the advanced users manual, but then also saw that this doesn't work wit Lvars.


Kind Regards,



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10 hours ago, Andre92 said:

And i can control them seperately, but how can i set them with one switch?

The easiest may to achieve this is to overload the assignments to the button by editing your FSUIPC7.ini file.
Locate the assignment to the first lvar in the macro, it will look something like this:
       <index number>=P<joyId/letter>,<buttonId>,CM1:1,0     -{Macro <macro file name> L:ASCRJ_OVHD_LDG_LEFT}-
then copy this line and  duplicate twice, then change to give both a unique <index number> and increment the macro index, to end up with something like
       <index number>=P<joyId/letter>,<buttonId>,CM1:1,0     -{Macro <macro file name> L:ASCRJ_OVHD_LDG_LEFT}-
       <index number + 1>=P<joyId/letter>,<buttonId>,CM1:2,0     -{Macro <macro file name> L:ASCRJ_OVHD_LDG_LEFT}-
       <index number + 2>=P<joyId/letter>,<buttonId>,CM1:3,0     -{Macro <macro file name> L:ASCRJ_OVHD_LDG_LEFT}-
You don't need to change the annotation/comment - FSUIPC will update this when it is next ran.

If you do this when FSUIPC7 is already running, you can reload the changes from the buttons assignment dialog panel using the 'Reload assignments' button.


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