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General Novais

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I'm trying to access the condition of the fuses of the C152 aircraft for example. The fuel or radio fuse, in short, all the fuses in the electronic circuit. But I'm not finding it.

In FSUIP I can monitor the EVENTS and when I remove or insert the fuel fuse, a BUS_TO_BUS_CONNECTION_TOGGLE event is triggered

would anyone know a way in C++ to find an offset from a player action? or where do i find these offsets?



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20 minutes ago, General Novais said:

would anyone know a way in C++ to find an offset from a player action? or where do i find these offsets?

There probably is no offset for this.
You first need to determine what, if anything, holds the condition of the fuses, and how to change this. Which FS are you using - MSFS?
If so, I would first check to see if there are any relevant lvars for this. You can do this in FSUIPC7 via the Add-ons->WASM->List Lvars menu item.
If any look applicable, you can try setting them to change the state, using the Add-ons->WASM->Set Lvar... menu item.

27 minutes ago, General Novais said:

would anyone know a way in C++ to find an offset from a player action? or where do i find these offsets?

There is no such thing. Offsets (mainly) hold simulator variables, or simvars, not actions.
You can check the offset documentation to see what is available.

But, it always helps if you let us know what FS and version of FSUIPC you are using.

I have moved your post to the FSUIPC7/MSFS forum for the time being.


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15 hours ago, John Dowson said:

There probably is no offset for this.
You first need to determine what, if anything, holds the condition of the fuses, and how to change this. Which FS are you using - MSFS?
If so, I would first check to see if there are any relevant lvars for this. You can do this in FSUIPC7 via the Add-ons->WASM->List Lvars menu item.
If any look applicable, you can try setting them to change the state, using the Add-ons->WASM->Set Lvar... menu item.

There is no such thing. Offsets (mainly) hold simulator variables, or simvars, not actions.
You can check the offset documentation to see what is available.

But, it always helps if you let us know what FS and version of FSUIPC you are using.

I have moved your post to the FSUIPC7/MSFS forum for the time being.



Sorry I'm new around here, Thanks for the quick response!
I'm using FS2020 and FSUIPC7.

Regarding offsets I saw that there are offsets identified as faults, but I believe they are not linked to fuses. I also read that there are offsets for PARTIAL PANEL FUEL IND for example, and the documentation seems to address this issue.



I believe I'm doing something wrong, because the return I have is precisely 0 (zero) which, according to the documentation, indicates that it is 'OK' and when I jumped it should be 1 'Fail'





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1 hour ago, General Novais said:

when I jumped it should be 1 'Fail'

How are you doing this? I didn't think this was possible in the stock C152...

The BUS BREAKER PULLED is a simvar from the new electrical system and is not held in any offset. May also not be available for the aircraft, you would need to check the NEW ELECTRICAL SYSTEM simvar. I doubt the C152 uses this.


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57 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

How are you doing this? I didn't think this was possible in the stock C152...

The BUS BREAKER PULLED is a simvar from the new electrical system and is not held in any offset. May also not be available for the aircraft, you would need to check the NEW ELECTRICAL SYSTEM simvar. I doubt the C152 uses this.



Below the copilot's yoke they have a series of fuses, starting with the FUEL IND, passing through the Pitot, etc. They also have the communication/radio, ADF etc. fuses.

If you click on the fuse it JUMPS and if you click again it locks

I'm interested in creating a small system so that the activation Checklist, Taxi etc... make sense. It's boring to do a checklist before starting the aircraft knowing that nothing will be out of place or "burnt out". I want to make sure that every time the aircraft is/is turned off there is a possibility that there is a problem.

For example, when checking the fuses it appears that the FUEL IND fuse is blown so the pilot presses the fuse. The Alternator may not be working, in which case there would be a button on the system (outside the simulator) for the pilot to request a change of part before continuing. Silly little things like that.

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17 minutes ago, General Novais said:

Below the copilot's yoke they have a series of fuses, starting with the FUEL IND, passing through the Pitot, etc. They also have the communication/radio, ADF etc. fuses.

If you click on the fuse it JUMPS and if you click again it locks

Yes, I know, but these do not work in the stock C152 or C152 Acrobat. At least not for me... Are you using any sort of mod or is it an add-on C152 that you are using?
There is not even any tooltip when I move the mouse over those fuses.

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@General Novais Could you let me know which C152 you are using please - as I asked:

On 11/30/2021 at 3:33 PM, John Dowson said:

Yes, I know, but these do not work in the stock C152 or C152 Acrobat. At least not for me... Are you using any sort of mod or is it an add-on C152 that you are using?

I need to get the fuses jumped in the UI before I can let you know how you can do this programmatically (or via FSUIPC).


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