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CH Rudder Pedals CronK

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I have a Dell 8500, Win 10 running FSX-Steam and FSUIPC 4.976 licensed version.

I have been using CH products for many years with few problems.  About three years ago, I had to replace my CH Rudder Pedals because the old set (in service for about 10 years) decided to stop working properly.  I think one of the control modules on the circuit board malfunctioned.  I bought a new set which have functioned properly until recently. I started to notice that I had lost directional control on landing and couldn't hold direction during the takeoff roll.  Viewing the aircraft from the rear and moving the rudder pedals, I see that I get full left rudder, the rudder at rest is slightly left and full right rudder only produces a slight right rudder.  I control all my addons with FSUIPC and have not changed the calibration for a couple of years.  I suspect the CH Rudder Pedals are malfunctioning.  Sometimes I can abruptly release the pedals which seems to rectify the problem but it returns almost immediately.

I think it's time for a new set but I'd like your evaluation.

Jim Driskell

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Sounds like you need to increase the null zone to stop the 'slightly left' when at rest, but the right rudder does sound like its not working properly. You could try recalibrating them - this will also show you the range of values the rudder is sending. Also maybe try windows calibration. 


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