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I use FSUIPC7, Version 7.2.13 (19th November 2021) by John Dowson with MSFS2020.

Unfortunately I can't open via Add-ons/WASM/List Havars. To open List Lvars is no problem.

I need to open respectively indicate the List Hvars in order to proof something for Cpflight Hardwaredriver.

The developer of the driver from Cpflight is able to open it by his system.

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4 hours ago, Skycowboy said:

Unfortunately I can't open via Add-ons/WASM/List Havars. To open List Lvars is no problem.

What do you mean by 'open' in this context? If you can list lvars, the List Hvars menu item  should be visible/accessible.
Or do you mean no hvars are listed for the loaded aircraft? If so, have you added a hvar file for the aircraft you are using (with name if hvar file a substring match to the aircraft)? Have you read the section on how to use hvars in the FSUIPC Advanced User guide?


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Hello John,

thank you for replay!

The List Hvars is not visible/accesible. My hvar file for my aircraft is A32NX FBW.hvar.

I'm not sure, if I found the right aircraft CFG folder for FBW A32NN.

In Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe/Local cache/SimObjects I found FlyByWire_A320_NEO/state.CFG

and in Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalState/packages/flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo (inside this folder are Work and different .dll and .lib etc.)

Which file should substring or match with name of hvar file)



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9 hours ago, Skycowboy said:

The List Hvars is not visible/accesible.

Which is it? I can't understand this - is there not a menu item below the 'List Lvars' one, which you say is working, that says 'List Hvars'?
If there is, and the lvar menu item is working then this must also be working. Are you sure that it is just not listing 0 hvars (check your log)?

9 hours ago, Skycowboy said:

I'm not sure, if I found the right aircraft CFG folder for FBW A32NN.

Why do you need that?

9 hours ago, Skycowboy said:

Which file should substring or match with name of hvar file)

It needs to match a substring match on the aircraft title, as logged in the FSUIPC7.log file, and also in the aircraft.cfg file I believe. For the FBW A320, it is this:
    Aircraft="Airbus A320 Neo FlyByWire"
so your file name is not a substring match.
Also, check that it is in the correct location, under the FSUIPC WASM modules folder, or in its persistent storage folder (under AppData).

Please see the Advanced User guide for details.

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1 minute ago, Skycowboy said:

I attached myFSUIPC.log

Did you check the name and location of your hvar file?
If you think there is a problem, you need to enable debug logging in the WAPI and WASM, and show me your log again and also the FSUIPC_WASM.log.
But first please read the Advanced User guide on how to use hvars, P44.

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Ok, I read it.

Unfortunately it isn't possible to upload more then 17.89kB, because fotos are much easier for demonstration.

In my main FSUIPC folder there are a folder with HvarFiles and inside A32NX FBW.hvar and more.

Furthermore I've a fsuipc-Ivar-module with  modules folder and FSUIPC_WASM.ini inside, in my community folder.

Do I have to integrate/copy the A32NX FBW.hvar from HvarFiles folder in this fsuipc-Ivar-module/ modules?

Sorry for my stupid questions.


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48 minutes ago, Skycowboy said:

Do I have to integrate/copy the A32NX FBW.hvar from HvarFiles folder in this fsuipc-Ivar-module/ modules?

Yes, copy and rename...

48 minutes ago, Skycowboy said:

Ok, I read it.

Then I suggest you re-read it until you understand...did you not read this:


selection of hvar files is also installed (if selected to do so during the installation process) under your FSUIPC7
installation folder, under a folder called
HvarFiles. To use these files, copy them to your WASM persistent storage are
and rename them so that the name is a substing match on the aircraft for which you wish to use them.



50 minutes ago, Skycowboy said:

Unfortunately it isn't possible to upload more then 17.89kB

If they are too bug to attach, just zip them. They are text files and zip pretty small.

BUT, I do not need to see any files if your issue is that you have not put the hvar file in the correct place with a suitable name. Please try that before anything else.


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I copied the A32NX FBW.hvar file and put it into my WASM persistent storage (s.attachment please), hope that'll be the right place (work folder)

and renamed it to make it suitable. Do I have to take the flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo name or FlyByWire_A320_Neo (s.Attachment)?


WASM persistent storage.png

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4 minutes ago, Skycowboy said:

and renamed it to make it suitable

Why do you think that 'FlyByWire_A320_NEO' is a substring match for the aircraft name "Airbus A320 Neo FlyByWire"?

Do you understand what a "substring match" means?

Try renaming your file to "A320.hvar", or maybe "A320 Neo.hvar".

I am spending a lot of time trying to communicate things to you that are explained in the Advanced User guide, and also in many other precious support requests.
What exactly don't you understand? Is it the phrase "substring match"? This simply means that the name of the hvar file, without the extension, must match a substring of the aircraft name, AS LOGGED BY FSUIPC. So, check your log for the name of the aircraft, and make sure that the name of your hvar file is a substring match to that aircraft name. It really isn't that difficult....


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