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FSUIPC7 for FS2020 with PROSIM737 and Virtual Avionics MCP EFIS Hardware


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Bonjour M. Pete et John Dowson.

Je vous écris car j'ai besoin de votre aide.   J'utilise vos différentes versions de FSUIPC depuis plusieurs années maintenant, et la dernière en date est FSUIPC 7 pour FS2020.

J'ai un simulateur avec PROSIM 737 et P3D V4.5 avec MCP EFIS de Virtual avionics (logiciel VAinterface).

J'ai installé FSUIPC 7 pour utiliser FS2020 mais malheureusement la société VirtualAvionics n'existe plus. Je ne peux pas utiliser mon MCP et EFIS. (Jai envoyé plusieurs e-mails mais je reste sans réponses de puis plusieurs mois)

 Je suis prêt à te payer pour ton aide ? si tu as une solution pour moi

J'ai également vu que SpadNext reconnaît mon matériel et nous pouvons utiliser FSUIPC et je peux utiliser mon cockpit domestique dessus.

Spadnext reconnaît mon MCP et EFIS de Virtual Avionics et j'ai pensé que je pourrais peut-être faire un programme entre SpadNext, FSUIPC et PROSIM. Exemple déclarer le "F/D capitaine directeur dans 2EE0 dans Spadnext et dans prosim737. Mais quand je fais ça rien ne se passe dans prosim quand j'appuie sur le bouton F/D du matériel MCP.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide

Excusez-moi pour mon anglais qui est loin d'être bon


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Can you not use the same solution (VAinterface software?) with MSFS2020/FSUIPC7? If not, why not?

On 12/24/2021 at 1:16 PM, Lam said:

I also saw that SpadNext recognizes my hardware and we can use FSUIPC and I can use my home cockpit on it.

Spadnext recognizes my MCP and EFIS from Virtual Avionics and I thought maybe I could make a program between SpadNext, FSUIPC and PROSIM. Example declare the "F / D captain director in 2EE0 in Spadnext and in prosim737. But when I do that nothing happens in prosim when I press the F / D button on the MCP hardware.

SPAD.next works well with FSUIPC, although I haven't used this now for several years.  However, I think you need to talk , spad.next support to resolve issues if using spad.next.

Otherwise, if your controllers are not recognised natively by fsuipc, you could try the lua interface. You could start by  looking at the HidDemo.lua, to see if that recognises your controllers buttons/axis. 


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I need new version of VAinterface for FS2020. ( i have Also FSUIPC7)

About P3D 4.5 : i used FSUIPC5 with VAinterface V2.28 and all is ok , but this version of VAinterface don't work with FS2020. ( Also with this version of VA software i can't upgrade P3D to version V5)

they sent me V3 version which worked with fs2020 and FSUIPC7 for 3 months but now when it starts is shows me a licence error popup. ( i can send it to you if you want) idon't know why i have this popup now !!!

When i sent more Email to VirtualAvionics  since october : I stay without answers. I see if i can use another solution.

SpadNext don't have solution for me : they replied me that i had to see with prosim. And PROSIM replied me to see with VA. !!!

I don't  know what is HidDemo.lua ?   I will try at 2 january because i'm in hollidays and not at home.

Thank you more for your feedbacks and answers. you at least you answered me.

I don't now if VA exist again.

Below VA code of version 2.28 : i don't know if it is C, C++ or  Lua... ( i decompiled the "exe" file )

I have new version V3

void** fun_410a80(void** ecx, void* a2, void** a3) {
    void** esi4;
    void** ecx5;
    void** edx6;
    void* edi7;
    void** esi8;
    void** edx9;
    void* edi10;
    void** esi11;
    void** edx12;
    void* edi13;
    void** esi14;
    void** edx15;
    void* edi16;
    void** esi17;
    void** edx18;
    void* edi19;
    void** esi20;
    void** edx21;
    void* edi22;

    switch (a3 + 0xfffffffd) {
    case 0:
        esi4 = *reinterpret_cast<void***>(ecx + 0x12c);
        ecx5 = reinterpret_cast<void**>(0);
        if (reinterpret_cast<uint1_t>(reinterpret_cast<signed char>(esi4) < reinterpret_cast<signed char>(0)) | reinterpret_cast<uint1_t>(esi4 == 0)) {
        case 3:
            return 0xffffffff;
        } else {
            edx6 = *reinterpret_cast<void***>(ecx + 0x154);
            edi7 = a2;
            do {
                if (static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t>(*reinterpret_cast<void***>(edx6))) == edi7)
                    goto addr_410ae0_7;
                edx6 = edx6 + 3;
            } while (reinterpret_cast<signed char>(ecx5) < reinterpret_cast<signed char>(esi4));
        return 0xffffffff;
    case 1:
        esi8 = *reinterpret_cast<void***>(ecx + 0x124);
        ecx5 = reinterpret_cast<void**>(0);
        if (reinterpret_cast<uint1_t>(reinterpret_cast<signed char>(esi8) < reinterpret_cast<signed char>(0)) | reinterpret_cast<uint1_t>(esi8 == 0))
            goto addr_410bd5_4;
        edx9 = *reinterpret_cast<void***>(ecx + 0x150);
        edi10 = a2;
        do {
            if (static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t>(*reinterpret_cast<void***>(edx9))) == edi10)
                goto addr_410ae0_7;
            edx9 = edx9 + 37;
        } while (reinterpret_cast<signed char>(ecx5) < reinterpret_cast<signed char>(esi8));
        return 0xffffffff;
    case 2:
        if (reinterpret_cast<int1_t>(a2 == 1)) {
            return 0;
    case 4:
        esi11 = *reinterpret_cast<void***>(ecx + 0x144);
        ecx5 = reinterpret_cast<void**>(0);
        if (reinterpret_cast<uint1_t>(reinterpret_cast<signed char>(esi11) < reinterpret_cast<signed char>(0)) | reinterpret_cast<uint1_t>(esi11 == 0))
            goto addr_410bd5_4;
        edx12 = *reinterpret_cast<void***>(ecx + 0x164);
        edi13 = a2;
        do {
            if (static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t>(*reinterpret_cast<void***>(edx12))) == edi13)
                goto addr_410ae0_7;
            edx12 = edx12 + 3;
        } while (reinterpret_cast<signed char>(ecx5) < reinterpret_cast<signed char>(esi11));
        return 0xffffffff;
    case 5:
        esi14 = *reinterpret_cast<void***>(ecx + 0x13c);

Edited by Lam
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21 minutes ago, Lam said:

they sent me V3 version which worked with fs2020 and FSUIPC7 for 3 months but now when it starts is shows me a licence error popup. ( i can send it to you if you want) idon't know why i have this popup now !!!

So you did gave this working, and its just that a license has expired? What license is this? Can you not renew it?

22 minutes ago, Lam said:

I don't  know what is HidDemo.lua ?   I will try at 2 january because i'm in hollidays and not at home.

It is one of the example lua scripts we provide, located in the lua examples zip file in your FSUIPC Documents folder.

23 minutes ago, Lam said:

Below VA code of version 2.28 : i don't know if it is C, C++ or  Lua... ( i decompiled the "exe" file )

No idea why you included that - it means nothing to me!

4 minutes ago, Lam said:

where i can to donwload Lua software to test it ?

FSUIPC provides a lua interpreter. Some example lua scripts are included but you really need to learn the lua language and write ort adapt scripts yourseld if going down the lua route. You could look at LINDA, which provide pre-made scripts for many controllers/aircraft.

However, if I were you I would try and resolve that license issue first...


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I don't know how to solve this licence problem.( VA don't answer me)

I include program script because i said to myself that you have expérience to tel me that type of script it is !


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7 minutes ago, Lam said:

I include program script because i said to myself that you have expérience to tel me that type of script it is !

It is not a script. You decompiled the exe, which was originally a compiled C/C++ program. No idea why you would want to do this,  or why you even need to know the original language of the executable.


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it's to try to remove Licence function in the program. I drop this idea now.

I stay now without solution with my 737 home cockpit and MCP EFI from VA .

I hope found someone to help me even if i must to payed him.

Thanks, i wish you a happy new year 2022 , and keep safe you and your family.

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3 minutes ago, Lam said:

it's to try to remove Licence function in the program. I drop this idea now.

I still think your best bet is to get a new license for your VirtualAvionics V3 software, as that seems to be what you need. They must have provided you with the initial license - why was this time-limited? Maybe you need to purchase a new license for this software? 
Sorry I can't be of more help, but it does look to be an issue for Virtual Avionics.

Best wishes to you and your family for a Happy New Year as well. Regards,


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  • 11 months later...
My license problem is solved by changing the date of the PC to 2020 and then I launch the VAinterface software from virtual avionics.
After launched, I put re synchronizes the current date. and it works.
With this version of the software the backlight does not work and the course 2 encodeir either.
As the company Virtual avionics no longer exists so I am looking to see if another software or program can manage my MCP737 (ex: FSUIPC)
i asked Spadnext and they replied that it does not plan to include the prosim flight model. 
So for me it's a big problem because I have a home cockpit with P3D V4.5 and FSUIPC 5 and also FS2020 with FSUIPC 7 and all that runs with PROSIM 737.
And I can't buy another MCP.
Thank you for the members of this forum if they want to help me or offer me a solution.
And I am ready to give financial compensation.
Thank you all and good evening
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16 hours ago, Lam said:

My license problem is solved by changing the date of the PC to 2020 and then I launch the VAinterface software from virtual avionics. After launched, I put re synchronizes the current date. and it works.

I am not sure this is a goof thing to do as changing your system clock may affect other licenses...but if it works then I guess thats ok...

16 hours ago, Lam said:
With this version of the software the backlight does not work and the course 2 encodeir either.

So everything else is working? If so, its strange that just these 2 functions are not working...

If using the ProSim737, maybe try asking about thus on their support forum.

16 hours ago, Lam said:
Thank you for the members of this forum if they want to help me or offer me a solution.
And I am ready to give financial compensation.

I am not in a position to assist you any further with this, but maybe others can help...

Good luck - and please update if you find a solution.


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