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Flaps setting in the Carenado 337H


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Hi guys,

I've checked through earlier posts but none seem to be relevant/working with my (recently acquired) C337H......

The cockpit has indicators for FOUR levels of flaps but I'm having REAL trouble - and major frustration!! - getting that aspect to work  They either go "all-up" or "all-down" (ie with no intermediaries).   I have tried with (and without) FSUIPC7.   There does seem to be an option (under 'Assignments') for adding a further parameter - perhaps of a "timed/limited or%-ge" value.   I have the Wathof/Thrustmaster controls and have assigned Buttons C21+C22  on the left side of the Throttle Base Unit (=two-switches+centre-off).

Is there a figure/%ge that I need to put into the small box below the selected control (Flaps-Inc/Dec)??

Or...do I need to set a second (possibly void/zero?) entry in the second option (=when button released)?

I'm tearing (what's left of!) my grey hair out!!



.~lock.FSUIPC7 Throttle Log (B Macrae).ods#

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Not sure what that file you attached is - looks to be an editor lock file, completely useless....

13 hours ago, mac@bath said:

There does seem to be an option (under 'Assignments') for adding a further parameter - perhaps of a "timed/limited or%-ge" value.

What are you assigning to? If it is the inc and dec controls, they do not accept any parameters.

First, activate logging for events and axis controls, open the logging console (Log -> Open Console) and see what events are logged when you move the flaps lever in the UI.
This should indicate what controls you can use.

You can also try assigning to the flaps offset at 0x0BDC. First, monitor this offset (using FSUIPC's offset monitoring facilities) and check the values logged when you move the flaps lever in the UI. If they are changing as expected, you can assign your buttons to the Offset UDword Increment/Decrement controls. Doing this will use the Flaps Set control when you press one of the assignment buttons to inc/dec the value in that control.

Alternatively, you can check what lvars are available for the aircraft (Add-ons -> WASM -> List Lvars). Maybe there is an lvar that you can use? If you see one that looks like it might control the flaps, you can try changing its value (using the provided facilities) to see if updating it has any affect. If so, you can add that lvar to and FSUIPC offset and control by assigning your buttons to change the value in that offset.

As I don't have this add-on aircraft, I cannot really advise any further. You need to investigate and try the various options.


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Thank you, John, for your prompt response.

I will, indeed, try those steps you have suggested later this evening and report my findings. 
That file (format) is an .ODS, which is simply a spreadsheet (like .XLS), -- but using the Freeware "LibreOffice"

kind regards


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57 minutes ago, mac@bath said:

That file (format) is an .ODS, which is simply a spreadsheet (like .XLS), -- but using the Freeware "LibreOffice"

I know what an .ODS file is, and use OpenOffice myself. But the file you posted is junk - it contains the following:


,2020NEWTOWER/Barry,2020NewTower,06.03.2022 20:46,file:///C:/Users/Barry/AppData/Roaming/LibreOffice/4;

Of what use is that?

And it is NOT a .ods file. It is a .ods# file, and the name starts with '.lock'.... so, as I said, useless.

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