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First, create some constant definition for the PMDG Mouse Click codes: (Put these at the class or form level).

    Const MOUSE_FLAG_RIGHTSINGLE As UInteger = &H80000000UI
    Const MOUSE_FLAG_MIDDLESINGLE As UInteger = &H40000000UI
    Const MOUSE_FLAG_LEFTSINGLE As UInteger = &H20000000UI
    Const MOUSE_FLAG_RIGHTDOUBLE As UInteger = &H10000000UI
    Const MOUSE_FLAG_MIDDLEDOUBLE As UInteger = &H8000000UI
    Const MOUSE_FLAG_LEFTDOUBLE As UInteger = &H4000000UI

Events are also known as 'Controls'. My dll uses the term Control instead of Event.

Use the FSUIPCConnection.SendControlToFS() method to send the control/event ID. There is an Enum called PMDG_737_NGX_Control that you can use instead of calculating the event IDs.

You also need to send a parameter value. For PMDG controls, this is one of the mouse codes above. 

For example, this will simulate a single left mouse click on the left Flight Director switch:


The control will be sent immediately. There is no need to call Process().


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