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I want to use the function to send keystrokes to the Sim. The aircraft I am controlling has no offsets but is controlled by selectable key combinations.


FSUIPCConnection.SendKeyToFS(Keys.1, SendModifierKeys.Alt, Me.ParentForm)

I send Alt 1 to the simulator. This works perfectly, of course.
Can I replace the 1 with a string/variable? My programme writes the key command given by the user into a string Taste1, so I cannot specify the key directly.

FSUIPCConnection.SendKeyToFS(Keys.Taste1, SendModifierKeys.Alt, Me.ParentForm) 



Hi Peter,

You can do this by converting the string into the 'Keys' enum using Enum.Parse().

(I think when you wrote Keys.1 you mean Keys.D1).

        Dim Taste1 As String = "D1"
        Dim Taste1Enum As Keys = Keys.None
        If [Enum].TryParse(Of Keys)(Taste1, Taste1Enum) Then
            ' Parse OK. Taste1Enum now has correct value
            FSUIPCConnection.SendKeyToFS(Taste1Enum, SendModifierKeys.Alt, Me.ParentForm)
            ' Text in Taste1 is not a valid Keys enum value
        End If

For this to work, the string will need to be exactly the same as the Enum value text. 


  • Thanks 1


Thank you again for your valuable help.

The variable ENGINE has the letter A stored.
With this code I send A to the simulator? And any other single character that the user stores in My.Sttings.Engine?

 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim Taste1 As String = My.Settings.Engine
        Dim Taste1Enum As Keys = Keys.None
        If [Enum].TryParse(Of Keys)(Taste1, Taste1Enum) Then
            FSUIPCConnection.SendKeyToFS(Taste1Enum, SendModifierKeys.Alt, Me.ParentForm)
            MsgBox(My.Settings.Engine & " could not be sent!",, AppTitle)
        End If
    End Sub

The whole point is that the user determines which character is to be assigned to the function. And I store this character in My.Settings.Engine. In this case for the display of the engine page of an Airbus ECAM.


Screenshot 2022-04-08 19.32.41.png


Yes that looks like it would work.

You will need to adjust the Enum.Parse call to make it case-insensitive since you are using lower-case letters: Pass 'True' as the second parameter.

If [Enum].TryParse(Of Keys)(Taste1, True, Taste1Enum) Then


  • Thanks 1

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