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FSUIPC6.ini file missing in Documents : PREP3D V5 adds-on / FSUIPC6 .

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*** Moved from FSUIPC7 sub-forum to main support forum ***

Dear all, i would like to run P3D wih pmdg Queen 744 , looks runing fine ,  FSUIPC appears accepted in the P3D screen Add-on.

so i did copy all  Linda files in the in the folder containing add-ons.xml  ( see picture 1 ) but when starting Linda the error

FSUIPCX.ini missing appear , and after check  his effectivelly not in the folder . ( Documents / Pred3D v5 Add-ons / FSUIPC6 .

Any Help , ( sorry but  i am not a master of program managment )

Edited by John Dowson
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I copy my response from your other psot with the same question:

FSUIPC6 will create a default FSUIPC6.ini file if non is found in its installation folder when ran, and as you need FSUIPC running before starting LINDA, I can't see how you can get such a message...

The FSUIPC6.ini file will be in your FSUIPC6 installation folder, which is not necessarily the same folder as your add-on.xml file, in fact I strongly recommend that you don't install FSUIPC6 in this folder. To check your installation location, use the Open Folder button in the FSUIPC6 logging tab.

I suggest you read the Installation and Registration guide which explains the different folder locations.

You have probably copied the Linda file to the wrong location, so check that. But for Linda issues, you should contact Linda support.


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