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MakeRwys and MSFS 2020 custom airports

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Hi, I hope you can help.  I have downloaded the latest version and the .exe seems to run as expected.  However, it seems that that it is only reading the base MSFS file for extraction/conversion which it finds automatically.  How do I get it to also see my custom third party airports in the Community folder?  Fundamentally,  I am trying to get only my custom Community files processed so that I can then get these into Pilot2ATC via its 'taxiway maintenance' routine.  The base MSFS taxi/gate information for many airports is way off, this was why I purchased third party.

Can something like this be done? Thank you in advance.

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7 hours ago, mikemike said:

I have downloaded the latest version and the .exe seems to run as expected.  However, it seems that that it is only reading the base MSFS file for extraction/conversion which it finds automatically.  How do I get it to also see my custom third party airports in the Community folder? 

It does that automatically, following the list in the MSFS file "content.xml". MakeRwys generates a list too, showing what it processed -- see the scenerylist.txt file in its folder. The log file "runways.txt" tells you exactly what it is doing, so check that too.




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Thank you Pete, this is much appreciated.  I think my issue was that I use 'addon linker' and some of my new airports were not indicated (linked) in the Community folder, thus I don't believe that MSFS Content.xml contained a line for these items.  I think I have enough to work with now and thank you again for your help.  BTW, I saw your similar posting at AVSIM.

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