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FSUIPC7 doesn't start with MSFS using the FSUIPC-MSFS icon


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No matter which troubleshooting I used after reading in the history in this forum and other websites over the web.

I need to start MSFS and later start FSUIPC7....

I even now did a full uninstall and clean installation of MSFS but still no luck.

PFA my installation log file and XML.

Thanks in advance for your support



Edited by JOPOLLER
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If you had checked your install log, you can see the reason and what you need to do:


Updating EXE.XML for Steam install
Error loading EXE.xml file: C:\Users\JOPOLLER\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\EXE.xml
**** Auto-start of FSUIPC7 with MSFS will not be enabled ****
**** To resolve, remove or rename this file and re-install:  C:\Users\JOPOLLER\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\EXE.xml****

I think this failed as The Type attribute on the SimBase.Document node is "SimConnect" when it should be "Launch". This must have been written incorrectly by one of the other addons that have updated your EXE.xml file (noolaero-module-vdgs or FS2Crew Command Center).

I have corrected this and added the auto-start for you in the attached exe.xml - download this and use it to replace your current one.



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After buying and installing the FENIX A320, the XML file now looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
        <Path>C:\Program Files\FenixSim A320\deps\FenixBootstrapper.exe</Path>


the file is attached.

Can you assist again in repairing it? and how can  I avoid this next time i install an addon?



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You should complain/raise a ticket with Fenix as their installing is overwriting your original exe.xml with its own. It should update the existing exe.xml rather than replacing it.

41 minutes ago, JOPOLLER said:

Can you assist again in repairing it?

Yes - see attached. Bit its not that difficult - you just need to paste the new <Launch.Addon>...</Launch.Addon> section into your original exe.xml, withing the SimBase.Document element: exe.xml

44 minutes ago, JOPOLLER said:

how can  I avoid this next time i install an addon?

Take a backup of your exe.xml. If any installer overwrites or corrupts it in any way, you can go back to the original, look at the new exe.xml and copy the <Launch.Addon>...</Launch.Addon> section to the working exe.xml.


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