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Lvariables for default A320 MFS2020


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I need help for set correctly Lvariables for default A320. I have read attentively (I believed :D), the avanced users guide and try by myself to set 4 locals variables and attribute them to my buttonbox on 4 simples switchs.

but I'm facing to 2 problems.

-The first one is that assignements to my button are not save by FSUIPC and reseted when I restart FS2020

-The second one is that, set the Lvariable seems doesn't work.


so, what I have do is:

1) enable WASM

2) look for the name of Lvariables by dump Lvar values and found the name:





3) set the local variables offset in .init and define them as unsigned byte type :


4) in FSUIPC, I have assigned my switchs with parameters "Offset Byte set"

5) attach the offset A000, A001 etc to my buttons

6) set the parameters (0x01 0x02 etc)

I can see in log that parameters are well sended to simulator with the good offsets but nothing happen.

I don't know where I'm wrong.

Find in attached file my .ini

Thanks for your help !





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11 hours ago, Adri1 said:

-The first one is that assignements to my button are not save by FSUIPC and reseted when I restart FS2020

You have plenty of button assignments in your ini file, so I don't understand this. Can you add your offset assignments again, and once you have assigned them and pressed 'Ok' to close the assignment panel, take a look at your ini file to see if they are there. Also check that you haven't installed FSUIPC7 into a windows protected folder, such as under Documents or Program Files.

Once you have your assignment in your ini file, generate a log showing your issue, with logging for Buttons & Keys activated as well as Events, and show me your FSUIPC7.log file as well as your updated FSUIPC7.ini file.


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Hi John,

Ok after some investigations, It looks like that my Anti-virus have blocked a file of FSUIPC... I didn't notify it yesterday.

I have unblock it and now all seems to work and buttons assignements are well save in the .init... thanks Avira for headache 😠

but I keep watching on it to be sure that is well that.


Thanks a lot for your help in any case !



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